What to do about this heat

fitness webAs we get ready to complain about this heat, let’s not forget that just a short while ago we were all complaining about the long winter. Along with that long winter came complaints of weight gain, boredom, disgust with more snow, and the fact that no matter how hard we tried since January 1 to start dropping those unwanted pounds. Success was just not on our side.

Last month I offered some advice on a quick and simple exercise plan you could do anywhere. A few months back I promised that if you continued being smart about what you fed yourself and didn’t give up on consistent exercise, you would begin to see some positive results when the heat hit.

The heat has hit! For the opposite reason that winter keeps us indoors, we find ourselves forced to either complete our activities very early, very late, or indoors if at all. Graduation parties, weddings and showers aside, our appetites will begin to grow smaller in the heat of summer.

We’ve all been outdoors eager to get our lawns, pools and properties looking great after such a miserable winter that left us cooped up and pooped out from depressingly short cold dark days and lack of ambition. Some of you may be noticing the fruits of your labor as I said you would if you stayed motivated.

Take advantage of your body’s high demand for water during this season. You will notice that you eat less due to the feeling of fullness that this extra water provides. What’s nice is that you don’t even need to force it.

Increased outdoor activity in the heat causes greater need for more water. Less room for excess calories means you will burn more energy than you consume without even thinking about it.

Another advantage to the summer in reaching your healthy goals is the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables. Our bodies tend to crave these foods in the summer. How lucky we are to live in an area that offers so much in the way of locally grown produce.

It’s so much easier to fill up on all this produce, again decreasing the room in our bellies for unnecessary junk. Take your sweet tooth cravings away with safer choices like berries and melons.

Keep up the great work on your properties, knowing that the extra physical activity is helping. Find a safe time of day to exercise outdoors if that is what you prefer. Stay hydrated in excessive heat.

Summer also brings us challenges with parties, barbeques, holidays, and vacations. Don’t waste summers advantages by drinking too much alcohol and overeating junk food. Keep the water within reach and make a bee-line to the table offering fresh summer bounty.

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February 8, 2025, 12:06 pm
Apparent: 23°F