Free Hazmat Classes Offered To First Responders

hazmat webCLAYTON — Three free courses will be offered to First Responders in Gloucester County to help them sharpen their skills and get continuing education credits.

The courses, which are grant funded through the State Office of Emergency Management, are open to all members of local fire departments, police departments and EMS.

Freeholder Director Robert Damminger said, “The courses offered include new training curriculum that will enhance their existing education and better prepare them if they arrive on a hazardous materials event.”

The three courses that will be offered include HazMatIQ Above the Line/Below the Line Training, HazMatIQ Advanced Training and HazMatIQ Air Monitoring Training.

Freeholder Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Chila said, “The County is always working with our first responders to provide them with current training and resources. First responders are our first line of defense in many situations and whenever we can offer them free courses we are pleased to do it.” Chila is liaison to the Department of Emergency Response.

The courses will be held through the month of September at Rowan University. To register contact or call Jay Jones at (856) 307-7100.

For more information visit Emergency Response under departments/agencies at

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January 19, 2025, 11:41 am
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