Swedesboro Hears Request for Handicapped Parking Space

swedesboro logoby Robert Holt

SWEDESBORO- During their meeting on March 16, the Swedesboro Council heard a request from local resident Jan Merola for a handicapped parking spot in front of her home on Franklin Street. Merola is legally blind.

Merola has already submitted documentation to request beginning the process of getting the space. She lives in a residence at the bottom of the hill on Franklin Street.

Municipal Clerk Tanya Goodwin said the request had to go through the police. Swedesboro regulations say that the applicant for the space has to provide the Police Department with a valid motor vehicle registration for the vehicle requiring the space, and a valid motor vehicle operator license, if the applicant is the vehicle operator.

Mayor Tom Fromm agreed to take the matter under consideration, and look at the parking situation on Franklin Street. “I will follow up on this, and we will make this happen,” commented Fromm.

Councilmember Sam Casella moved to continue the process. Fromm also noted that he would send Public Works employees to a Railroad Avenue residence regarding a sidewalk being in disrepair.

Elsewhere, Council approved a change order decreasing the amount paid to ThinkPavers for work on Allen Street, and authorized payment for storm water drainage improvements at The Village of Spring Ridge. Fromm pointed out that the work was already budgeted, and there would be no new bonding.

In Garbage and Recycling, Fromm mentioned that the community is short on trash cans. Councilmember Joanna Gahrs suggested taking cans from homes that had been vacant. “If anybody sees cans, they should go get the cans,” proposed Fromm. “If somebody else needs the cans, they can come and get the cans.”

Councilmember George Weeks reported that Recycling Coordinator Mark Fruits would attend the next Council meeting to address any concerns.

In his Environmental report, Casella announced that the Commission is applying for parks and trails and lake grants, each worth $1,500. Casella also reported that Woolwich Director of Community Development Matt Blake planned to attend the next Environmental meeting to give the Commission an update on the Woolwich/Swedesboro Open Space and Recreation Plan.

Library Representative Councilmember Dave Flaherty told the Council that a camera was being installed in the library elevator. Also, grant applications made by the library had been denied, but they would try again next year.

Swedesboro had better luck with their JIF Safety Incentive Program, winning an award of $2,275 for 2014, according to Goodwin.

In Finance, Fromm said that he had not heard any budget numbers from the local schools. He also reported that the ice rink was in the process of being dismantled. In Parks and Recreation, Gahrs reminded Council of a Health and Wellness Fair taking place at the Charles Harker School on April 18.

And Councilmember Diane Hale added that the Outdoor Living and Garden Show scheduled for May 16 was shaping up nicely. Hale also said that she, Fromm, and Councilmember Patrick Wilbraham had attended a meeting marketing to potential developers.

Hale explained that they gave a DVD presentation about their community.

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