Thanks To You, Kings Things Able To Help Many

kings things foodSWEDESBORO – A volunteer appreciation luncheon was held at Botto’s Restaurant in Swedesboro for members of the King’s Things staff.

It was a time to show appreciation to the people whose hard work allowed King’s Things to fulfill their mission “to feed and clothe the needy”.

Joe Denney stated in his treasurer report that 2015 was a high mark not only in revenue but in funds devoted to families in need. They helped people retain electric service, heat their homes, head off evictions, and literally to help bury the dead.

The food pantry supplied families in the community with well-balanced assortments of food basics as well as meats and snacks and a voucher redeemable at Botto’s Market for perishable items such as bread, eggs, milk, and butter. In all, the food pantry fed 2,000 people as well as supported the USO.

A special thanks was given to Mary Beth Rambler and Maggie Brace for the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs. That outreach program reached 200 homes.

But in order to continue King’s Things service to all our neighbors, they need your support. Volunteers are needed at every level for The Pantry, the thrift store, and the furniture store.

If you can volunteer just four hours a week, please contact Joe Denney at 856-467-1796.

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