Logan Police Certified to Carry Narcan

BRIDGEPORT —  During the Logan Township Council meeting on July 18, Logan Twp. Lt. Joseph Flatley reported that all of the Logan officers are now certified to carry Narcan.

Narcan, or naloxone, is a medication used to counteract the effects of opiates.

Flatley and the Council noted that Narcan can also save the lives of officers who come into accidental contact with drugs such as heroin or Fentanyl. Fentanyl comes in a powder, and can cause a policeman to overdose if it is unintentionally ingested, or touches their skin.

In his police report, Flatley listed 1,300 calls for service and 272 traffic summonses issued by the local police during June.

Flatley noted that Aug. 10 was the date for Logan Township’s 2017 National Night Out.

Logan Township Mayor Frank Minor observed that local people are always telling him how happy they are with the services they receive from their municipal workers, fire department, and police department. “It’s a wonderful feeling to hear that,” commented the mayor.

The Council faced a series of resolutions at this meeting. They adopted a resolution extending the deadline for third quarter taxes in Logan Township to Aug. 31. Another resolution accepted the community’s 2016 audit report.

Council also approved acceptance of a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation in the amount of $175,000 for roadway improvements to Township Line Road. They later adopted a resolution that would authorize preparing bid specifications and advertising plans for the Township Line Road reconstruction project.

Another adopted resolution awarded a contract to Granturk Equipment Co. Inc. and Hunter Truck Sales and Service for providing automotive parts, repairs, and other necessary accessories.

Council later authorized the purchase of fire and rescue equipment from ESI Equipment, Inc. through a state contract in the amount of $5,057.

by Robert Holt

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