East Greenwich Comes to Contractual Terms With Its Police Force

MICKLETON — At their meeting on Nov. 12, the East Greenwich Township Committee announced that they had reached a five-year contractual agreement with their police department.

“In principle, we were able to solve this contract before the current agreement has even expired,” mentioned East Greenwich Mayor Dale Archer. “We’ve come a long way.”

Archer noted that the town’s ultimate goal was to employ 20 full-time officers by the end of 2019. Current Police Chief Anthony Francesco would be stepping down as 2019 concluded, and Sgt. Matthew Brenner would be taking the position.

“We comfortably believe this number is sustainable and will ensure our town is properly patrolled and protected,” Archer said.

In the night’s resolutions, the Committee authorized Prime Point, LLC to provide payroll services for East Greenwich Township. Also, the township clerk was authorized to advertise for Requests for Quotes for the township’s 2020 professionals.

The Committee adopted another resolution that allowed payment of $8,056.20 for the NJDOT Municipal Aid Program Quaker Road improvements with American Asphalt Company.

Also, the transfer of appropriations for East Greenwich’s 2019 budget was approved. Archer pointed out that appropriations were allowed when a budget may fall short on a line item while having extra funding in other departments.

The township is allowed to move line items around beginning on Nov. 1 of a given year. “Department heads continue to spend less than we bring in,” the mayor said, adding that the Department of Public Works counted a $25,000 savings in overtime costs for the community this year.

Other new business saw the Committee repeal the joint municipal court for East Greenwich and the City of Woodbury and establish the East Greenwich Municipal Court. “At this point, I still have not heard from the City of Woodbury,” Archer commented. “It’s really unfortunate when some people choose to put political interests ahead of the community.”

One more resolution authorized East Greenwich to complete and file a New Jersey Spill Compensation Fund Claim. The town’s No. 3 well has been shut down since 2014 after traces of the contaminant perfluoronananoic acid was found to have a high level upon testing. Archer noted that East Greenwich had borrowed $2.4 million at a low interest rate and would be applying for grants to cover the funding.

Deputy Mayor Jim Philbin assured the township that the well was immediately shut down to protect the residents.

Elsewhere, Archer put out a call for volunteers to East Greenwich. “There are several volunteer opportunities available to explore the environment and sustainability of the township,” he explained. Archer listed the Environmental Commission, whose activities include review of development plans, protecting open space, paper shredding events, plantings in parks, along with the Shade Tree Commission, who distribute trees to the community, protect and monitor the them.

There was still room available on the Green Team, who monitor the sustainability of the township according to the Sustainable Jersey model. The organizations all meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Municipal Building.

by Robert Holt

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