Class of 2028: A New Home

By Nethiri Umashanger

High school marks a transformative moment in a student’s life. For the freshmen of the Class of 2028 who have just taken their first steps into this new chapter, a blend of emotions fills the air.

From entering as freshmen to graduating as seniors— high school is a period of transformation. And for the current freshman class— the Class of 2028— who just took their first footstep, four years still remain. How do these new students feel about the experiences awaiting them?

For many, the ‘firsts’ bring a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Ryan Quadir, a freshman in the STEM academy described high school as “quite nerve-racking because of the air of uncertainty.” Yet, this uncertainty sparked intrigue and excitement, especially about customizing his schedule and having a say in his high school life.

Kelly Kline, a member of Kingsway’s executive board, yearbook, K.D.T.V., and photo club, felt eager about moving from middle school to high school. She shared, “I was excited to start the next major part of my life,” crediting her sister with helping ease the transition.

“Without her, the first day of school would’ve been much scarier.” Kelly believes that Kingsway “really has a club or activity for everyone,” and she loves being able to tap into her creativity and performance abilities in a variety of places.

The freshman class officers—Kiera Sciarotta and Caitlyn Hicks—are thrilled about their involvement in Kingsway’s sports and clubs. Kiera is a member of the STEM academy and a varsity field hockey player. Caitlyn is engaged in the STEM academy, plays on the freshman volleyball team, and hopes to broaden her involvement in the years ahead. Both are also in student council. 

Prarthana Meganathan, a newcomer to the area, has already begun exploring school life. Despite her recent move to South Jersey, she is actively participating in mock trial, science olympiad, math club, Student Council, model U.N., and the newspaper club. She is excited to try new things and begin narrowing down her focus.

Balancing clubs and sports come with a rigorous academic schedule. For instance, Kiera, like many others, is tackling two AP classes, physics and world history, and remarked, “It has really taught me how to manage a lot at once, considering I play a fall sport.” This balancing act is also a common experience among many freshmen, who are learning what it means to juggle various commitments.

Though still adjusting to high school, the Class of 2028 radiates excitement, determination, and a sense of freshness. Once they become Dragons, there’s no turning back.

Although high school may not be like the movies, “definitely nothing like High School Musical, where everyone breaks into song,” someone quipped, the sense of community within the Dragon family is notable.

The freshmen look forward to the high school experience like homecoming and pep rallies, but more importantly, the lasting connections that turn school into a home. The Class of 2028 is just the newest group in the Dragon Den, and they’re just getting started!

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