Annual Rain Garden Clean Up Activities Begin

rain garden webEAST GREENWICH TWP. — On April 1, the East Greenwich Environmental Commission started its annual Wild Site cleanup activities, beginning at the site of the township Rain Garden, located behind the former library building.

The basin of the Rain Garden was mulched with woodchips obtained from recycled township Christmas trees. Donated shrubs and perennials were planted to refresh the site, and signage was installed to identify the function of the Rain Garden.

Originally installed in 2010, the demonstration rain garden was the joint effort of the E.G. Environmental Commission, Rutgers and AmeriCorps.

A rain garden is a landscaped, shallow depression that allows rain and snowmelt to be collected and penetrate naturally into the soil, rather then running off into storm drains. The detained water slowly filters through the soil, removing pollutants and providing nutrients to the plants.

It is estimated that a rain garden allows 30 percent more water to soak into the ground than regular lawns and gardens.

For more information on the benefits of rain gardens, getting started and selecting a site, the E.G. Environmental Commission suggests going to Water.Rutgers.Edu/Rain_Garden.

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