1. Fashion dandy
4. Cycles per second
7. Strikebreaker
11. Aquatic reptile (informal)
13. Express pleasure
14. Swiss river
15. Contains cerium
17. Ribonucleic acid
18. On top
19. Taxis
21. Banking machine
22. Small salamander
23. Voltage
25. Pointed summit
27. DWTS host
33. In a way, smoked
34. Peat moss source
35. W. African nation Sierra ___
36. Cocoa plum tree
41. Holiday (informal)
44. Venezuelan capital
46. DWTS hostess
48. Hideouts
50. Actress Lupino
51. The content of cognition
53. Point one point N of due E
55. Plunder a town
59. No. Albanian dialect
60. No (Scottish)
61. Blatted
64. X2 = a Pacific tourist commune
65. AKA option key
66. Angelina’s spouse
67. “Wedding Crashers” Wilson
68. Grassland, meadow
69. Laughing to self (texting)
1. Licenses TV stations
2. Metal-bearing mineral
3. Meat from a pig (alt. sp.)
4. A bottle with a stopper
5. Short labored breath
6. Hair washing soap
7. Steam bath
8. “R.U.R.” playwright Karel
9. Beside one another in lines
10. Not straight
12. Former OSS
16. Truck driver’s radio
20. Dried-up
24. Million gallons per day (abbr.)
26. Encircle (archaic)
27. ‘__ death do us part
28. A single unit
29. A siemens
30. Prohibition
31. V. William’s clothing line
32. Scotland’s poet’s initials
37. Auto
38. Single spot card in a deck
39. Crow sound
40. Former CIA
42. Factory where arms are made
43. Radioactive unit
44. Scoundrel
45. Freshwater duck genus
47. 9 decades
48. Makes tractors
49. 55120
51. Southeast Nigeria people
52. Arab sailing vessel
54. Hay bundle
56. Blood type
57. Driver compartment
58. “Das Kapital” author Marx
62. Consume food
63. Dental degree