Swedesboro Looks at Early Results of Pureland Shuttle

swedesboro logoby Robert Holt

SWEDESBORO — During their meeting of June 15, the Swedesboro Council discussed the early progress of the community’s new Pureland East-West shuttle service with Gloucester County Marketing and Tourism Coordinator Michelle Giuliani-Shirey. The service connects Swedesboro residents with the Pureland Industrial Park, along with regular New Jersey Transit stops.

The shuttle service went into operation June 1. Shirey reported that the Pureland East-West Community Shuttle saw over 150 riders in its first week of operation.

The Pascale Sykes Foundation is funding a grant of $1.2 million for the first three years of the shuttle service.

“We are hoping to reach a level that will be sustainable,” Shirey commented. “There are a few kinks along the route, but we’re working them out.”

Shirey noted that the 10 stops listed for the shuttle’s route are not all that would be available. She told the Council that travelers could use a pull-down lever to get off at a particular stop, like a doctor’s office.

The shuttle runs Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

In resolutions, Council approved a change order that decreased the amount paid to ThinkPavers for work on Allen Street by $992.94. Also, Council authorized the appointment of a new COAH planner for the community on an emergency basis.

“Our COAH planner resigned,” explained Swedesboro Mayor Tom Fromm. “A COAH lawyer offered us the best and most experienced person available at the present time.”

“We need a motion before a judge in the next six weeks to protect ourselves,” Fromm added.

And Council approved the hiring of temporary and season employees for its shorthanded Public Works Department. “Several of the town’s worst potholes were filled last week,” Fromm reported. “We’ll have more manpower in Public Works next week.”

In Public Safety, the mayor pointed out an increase in summonses issued by the local police department. “It’s obvious that the police are doing everything they can to take care of speeding,” he mentioned.

Councilmember George Weeks added that he hopes to see police be alert of children playing basketball in the street now that school was out. And Councilmember Dave Flaherty observed that more signage was needed to prevent oversized load trucks from traveling down Auburn Road.

In his Environmental report, Councilmember Sam Casella announced that the Commission did not receive a grant for parks and trails. In Parks and Recreation, Councilmember Joanna Gahrs reported that the department would be partnering with local businesses for upcoming events.

In Economic Development, Councilmember Diane Hale touted the Dancing in the Street Concert Series scheduled for July 15 and Aug. 19. She also mentioned that new business Blu Salon and Spa in the Swedes Plaza may be having a ribbon-cutting ceremony in September.

For Clean Communities, Hale noted that a crew had recently come in and worked downtown, and more were expected in soon.

Also, the Council praised Swedesboro residents for a large turnout to the delivery of a piece of the World Trade Center to the community. A 4,000 pound steel beam representing the September 11, 2001 bombings was delivered to the Woolwich Township Municipal Building on June 10.

The beam is set to be part of a 9/11 memorial garden for the communities.

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