Hunter Declan Jones was born on Aug. 31 to Kathleen Viereck and Eric Jones. Hunter was born at Pennsylvania Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. and was 21 inches long.
Proud grandparents are Ruth and Gary Jones of Mickleton, and Karen and Les Viereck III of Woolwich Township.
William Alexander Viereck was born on Aug. 23 to Mark and Darla Viereck of Fayetteville, NC. William was born at Cape Fear Hospital, Cape Fear, NC, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. and was 21 inches long.
Mark is a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Proud grandparents are Cathy and Matt DiSanto of Sarasota, FL, and Wayne Greenfield of Parlin, NJ, and Karen and Les Viereck III of Woolwich Township.