Woolwich Committee Pays Tribute to Nothdurft Sr.

woolwich twp webWOOLWICH TWP.– At their meeting on Dec. 19, the Woolwich Township Committee had a moment of silence for John E. Nothdurft Sr. of Swedesboro, who passed away on Dec. 14 at the age of 88.

Nothdurft had been a lifelong resident of the community and began serving with the Woolwich Fire Company in 1952, where he spent time as a line officer, chaplain, treasurer and Fire Chief. Woolwich Mayor Alan Schwager called Nothdurft a “true community leader.”

Committeeman Jordan Schlump described Nothdurft as a wonderful individual. “I’ve known him all my life,” Schlump recalled. “He was the best man at my father’s wedding, and my father was the best man at his.”

In other news, Schwager reported that Superintendent of Schools Jim Lavender has sent a letter to the Woolwich Police Department in appreciation for the department working together with the Kingsway Regional School District. “Incidents in the past have shown the importance of partnering with local law enforcement,” Lavender wrote.

Schwager noted that also as a resident, he appreciated the job that the Woolwich Police do, and he thanked them for their service. “Keep doing the great job that you do,” the mayor said. “We support you, and the community supports you.”

Woolwich Police Lt. Sheldon Lewis responded, “We’re here to serve, and it’s just another opportunity to serve.”

In resolutions, the Committee authorized an elevation within the Woolwich Township Police Department, and also approved designating a substitute crossing guard. Another resolution authorized budget appropriation transfers for Woolwich during the last two months of the fiscal year.

For his Kingsway update, Committeeman John Carleton reported that unless the school receives additional state funding, it would be facing a $2 million budget deficit. “That will lead to staff cuts and program cuts,” Carleton warned.

Elsewhere in his report, Carleton mentioned that the Christmas parade and the fireworks display had gone well. “Our goal was to make it better than in previous years, and I think we succeeded in that,” commented Carleton.

In Public Works, Schlump noted that salt had been delivered to Woolwich Township, and the community was ready for winter. Schlump added that edging was still being done on the sports fields.

For Environmental, the Committeeman reported that the Commission had discussed expansion of the community garden, and considered adding a second kayaking event next summer.

Schwager listed 389 permits as being issued for 2016 in his Zoning report. In Transfer of Developmental Rights news, Schwager said Woolwich did 10 transactions and awarded 176 credits. Landowners preserving their land receive developmental credits based on the value of their property.

In new business, Administrator and Clerk Jane DiBella was authorized by the Committee to re-advertise bids for supplemental snow removal. Also, Schwager announced that he and former Woolwich Mayor Sam Maccarone had received a proclamation from East Greenwich Township for providing that community with assistance after the macroburst storm of June 23.

“We sent crews over there,” Schwager observed. “It’s their way of thanking us.”

by Robert Holt

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