Animals, Animals, Animals Contest Now Underway

photo contest webWOOLWICH TWP. – Keep your cameras focused because the next New Town Press Photo Contests is under way. The theme of this contest is “Animals, Animals, Animals”.

Original pictures taken of both domestic and wild animals are being accepted. Photographs should be a minimum of 300 dpi and REMEMBER YOUR FOCUS.

To enter:

  1. Entries must be emailed to in a .jpg format by Dec. 15, 2017.
  2. Photographs must be ATTACHED to the message AND EMBEDDED IN the message.
  3. Include your name, address, phone number, a statement that you took the photographs yourself, and that the photographs have not have been retouched or altered other than cropping.

There is no limit on the number of entries that can be submitted by one person, but only the entries selected by the editor will be displayed online for voting. The winning photograph will be displayed in The New Town Press and the winning photographer will receive $25.

Deadline for entries is Dec. 15, 2017. Voting will begin Jan. 5, 2018 and end Jan. 19, 2018. The winning photograph will appear on the February 2018 issue. The full list of winners and their photographs will be displayed on the website at after that date as well.

PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR FOCUS. Many pictures have been submitted in the past of beautiful subjects or with beautiful colors but were unintentionally unfocused and were eliminated from consideration.

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March 19, 2025, 2:52 pm
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