Register for your favorite programs!

Adults: Make an Herbal Wreath – Tuesday, Sept. 12 – 6:30 p.m. Create a beautiful herbal wreath. This program is provided by the Gloucester County Certified Gardeners. Participants must register by calling 856-467-0111.

Adult Book Club – Tuesday, Sept. 26 – 7 p.m. Hooray, the adult book club is starting again. The book club meets the last Tuesday of each month. For the September meeting, participants will be sharing the books they read this summer. Please register at or call 856-467-0111 or stop in and pick up a brochure.


Teen/Tween Book Club Blog – No time for a book club, but you love to read? Share your love of books in our new teen/tween book club blog! Write a short review on books you love or hate and find a new book to enjoy! Stop in to fill out a permission slip then start sharing your reviews! The slips will provide blog information.

Teen/Tween Writers’ Club – Monday, Sept. 11 – 7 p.m. Do you love writing? Join us on the second Mondays of each month. This time will be devoted to writing. You can work on your own writing or pull ideas from our binder. Your writings may be published in our Teen Express Literary Magazine.

Teen/Tween Book Club – The Teen/Tween book club will be on Thursday, Sept. 14 – 7 p.m. Our book club meets the second Thursday of each month unless otherwise specified.

Teen/Tween Gaming – Join us on Thursday, Sept. 21- 6:30 p.m. Play Xbox, Wii, DS’s, and traditional board and card games. Bring a friend and have a great time.

Anime Club – Monday, Sept. 25 – 5 p.m. Anime meets on the fourth Mondays at 5 p.m. Feel free to come dressed in costume. You can also bring Pokemon cards or Yu Gi Oh cards to play, watch an Anime movie/show and/or draw Manga characters.

Teen Advisory Board – We welcome teens to join our Teen Advisory Board. Be a Literacy Buddy and work with children, learn library skills, or help plan teen activities. Do you enjoy writing? Learn to write reviews and create a quarterly teen newsletter. Call 467-0111 for information on how you can volunteer or become an active member.

Literacy Buddies – Looking for teens interested in being a literacy buddy. Teens will work one-on-one with a child who needs help learning English, learning to read, or needs help with homework. Commitment is one hour a week. This program will resume in the fall.  Call 856-467-0111 if you are interested.


Literacy Buddies – Does your child need help with homework, reading or learning English – call us at 856-467-0111 and we will try to match your child with a teen one hour a week.

FURever as Friends – Monday, Sept. 18 – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Visit with our therapy animals, read to them, share a picture book, brush them, and/or give them a treat. Some of our animals even do tricks. Registration is not required. Parents need to sign a permission slip for their children to enjoy reading and petting our therapy friends.

Toddlers & Babies:

Tuesday Story Time – Story Time is a fun time!  Hear stories, sing songs, and make a craft!  We meet on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. (Tuesdays, Sept. 12, 19, & 26). Story Time is best suited for children ages 2-1/2 to 5 years of age. Registration required.

Wednesday Story Time and Dance – Join the fun Wednesday morning story times.  Wednesday morning story time meets at 10:30 am. September’s dates are Sept. 13, 20, & 27 – Library meeting room. Registration required.


Baby Music Time – “Sing, Dance, and Play” – Bring your baby to a fun time of music – familiar songs, activities and fingerplays. Baby Time will be held on Thursdays, Sept. 7 & 21– 10:30 a.m. (Please note this month is not the usual 1st and 3rd Monday.)  Registration required.

Toddler Music Time – “Sing, Dance, and Play” – Your toddler will enjoy a fun time marching, playing instruments, learning fingerplays, and singing familiar songs. This month’s dates are Thursdays, Sept. 14 & 28 – 10:30 a.m. Registration is required as space is limited.

Please register for all programs by calling 467-0111 or you can register online at

Please register for all programs – space is limited!

The library will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4 in observance of Labor Day.


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