AGED TO PERFECTION: If you are over 55 years of age and reside in Woolwich or Swedesboro join us. We are an active senior group enjoying common interests, games and outings. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at the Woolwich Township Municipal Building. New members are welcome. For additional information call Janet Richardson 856-467-0069.

BMW – BUSINESS-MINDED WOMEN MEETING, Feb. 6, 11:30 a.m., Barnsboro Inn, Barnsboro. If you are a women looking to interact with and support other business-minded women please join us for lunch. The cost is just $15 which includes lunch and a beverage. For more information, visit them on Facebook.

DUPLICATE BRIDGE BEGINNER LESSONS, Tuesday’s: 6:30-8:30 p.m., Trinity Church Parish Hall, 1208 Kings Hwy, Swedesboro. $5/lesson. Questions/RSVP: John Nothdurft, noth0583@gmail.com, 856-534-7252.


FREE SKIN CANCER AND PSORIASIS SCREENING. Call the office of Vause Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery at 856-241-3311 to schedule your free screening today. Visit www.vausederm.com for more information.

GREATER SWEDESBORO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION MEETING For more information, visit the website at www.greatersba.org.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 7526 MEETINGS, 8 p.m., 1st & 3rd Monday of the month, except for July and August, when we meet on the 3rd Monday, at the parish hall behind St. Joseph’s Church, 140 Broad St., Swedesboro, NJ.  Transfers from other councils are welcome to attend.  Interested prospective members should call Grand Knight, Greg Donzuso at 856-832-4189 for more information.

MICKLETON GARDEN CLUB MEETING, Feb. 8, 6:30-8:15 p.m., Gibbstown Public Library, Swedesboro Paulsboro Road, Gibbstown. Speaker:  Nick Pinnizotto, Beekeeper.

MOMS CLUB OF WEATHERBY-LOGAN MEETINGS. The Moms Club offers support and activities for area at-home mothers and their children. For more information contact@momsclubofweatherbylogan.com.

MULLICA HILL WOMEN’S TRIATHLON CLUB KICK OFF MEETING, Feb. 27, 6:30-9p.m., Auletto Caterers, 1849 Cooper St., Deptford Township, NJ 08096. Free event to learn more about the club. No RSVP required. www.mullicahilltriclub.com.

SWEDESBORO-WOOLWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING, Feb. 21, 7 p.m., Swedesboro Borough Hall, 1500 Kings Highway, Swedesboro. The public is invited to attend.

SWEDESBORO-WOOLWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, Feb. 18 from 1-4 p.m. The Swedesboro-Woolwich Historical Society is located in the Borough Hall, 1500 Kings Highway, 2nd floor, Swedesboro.

SWEDESORO WOOLWICH PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., Woolwich Township Municipal Building, Center Square Rd., Woolwich Twp.

SWEDE TALKER TOASTMASTERS CLUB Are you nervous speaking before people? Preparing for a tough job interview? Come visit us. This chapter meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Woolwich Fire Company. If you have questions, please contact: Barrie Dawson 856-981-3572 or Milind Shroff  267-218-3104.

VFW POST 10886 WOOLWICH MEETINGS, member meeting Feb. 7; social Feb. 15; Beckett Golf Club, 2387 Kings Highway, Woolwich Township. This VFW serves Woolwich, Swedesboro, Logan, Harrison, and East Greenwich Townships. New members welcome. VFWPost10886@gmail.com.

WOMEN’S NETWORKING GROUP MEETING — Powerful You! Feb. 28, 11:30 a.m., Chianti Restaurant, Mullica Hill. Meeting open to all women interested in networking, referrals, personal and business growth. Individual meal cost plus $5 fee for Members & 1st time Guests, $15 for non-Members. RSVP, Kay McHenry at 628-5272.

WOOLWICH DEMOCRAT CLUB MEETING, Feb. 12, 7 p.m., Logan Twp. Library, 498 Beckett Road, Logan Twp. For additional info contact Gina Marie Santore at 609-230-2328 or gina_marie_santore@yahoo.com.

WOOLWICH TWP. REPUBLICAN CLUB MEETING. Call Tom Narolewski at 856-669-7889 or email tnski@comcast.net for more information.

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Married couples, if you would like to deepen your knowledge, understanding, and love for each other in a way that may surprise you, we invite you to attend a weekend at the Icona Hotel in Avalon. Upcoming Weekend dates: Feb.9 – 11 and March 23 – 25. For more information or to apply for a weekend visit our website: wwme-southjersey.org; email: applications@wwme-southjersey.org; or call 609-741-8012

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