Woolwich Offers Used Clothing & Electronics Collection At Your Doorstep

woolwich curb.inddWOOLWICH TWP. – Woolwich Township now makes it easier for everyone to de-clutter their homes by introducing convenient curbside clothing and electronics recycling for all its residents by partnering with Curb My Clutter, a service that enables residents to easily schedule free collection of their unwanted items via text.

To participate:

  1. Text “pickup” to 856-644-6963
  2. Send pictures of items you’d like to recycle to earn rewards via the text conversation.
  3. Schedule your pickup date.

According to Mayor Jordan Schlump, “Woolwich Township is committed to reducing waste in our community and bringing services that improve the lives of our residents. Curb My Clutter will help our community expand waste diversion and bring a service that our residents want.”

Woolwich Township will be the first community in the United States to use this innovative platform to make curbside collection of used clothing, footwear and electronics seamless for its citizens.

According to Bob Anderson of Curb My Clutter, “The EPA determined municipalities are collectively spending over $500 million annually disposing of used clothing and electronics in landfills. Curb My Clutter can help reduce taxpayer dollars spent sending clothing and electronics to landfill and preserve our natural resources. We applaud Woolwich Township for its leadership and expect many communities to follow.”

For more information about Curb My Clutter, visit www.curbmyclutter.com. For more information on waste management and recycling in Woolwich Township, visit www.woolwichtwp.org.

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