Names In The News

Lorri Izzo of Mullica Hill resident, was honored for her 25 years of service with Mercy Home Health. Izzo started with Mercy fresh out of nursing school as a graduate nurse on the third floor of the former St. Agnes Hospital. “Lorri went above and beyond for her patients and the families welcomed her with open arms,” said Amanda Baily, a former supervisor. “However, it wasn’t Lorri’s nursing abilities that made me really look to her as an example, it was the fact that every Christmas since I started, and even until now, Lorri’s drops off $200 plus in Christmas presents to be donated to a local shelter.”

Tsion Mideksa

Tsion Mideksa, 9, was a Grand Prize winner in the Early Level Category at the 14th Annual Russian Music Competition, sponsored by the New Jersey Talented Young Musicians Association. She performed Dmitri Kabalevsky’s Toccatina for piano at Carnegie Hall on Dec. 2, along with other winners from New Jersey and Massachusetts. Tsion has been under the tutelage of Maria Botelho-Hubler at the Conservatory of Musical Arts in Audobon, NJ.

Stephanie Helsel of Woolwich Township was named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2017 semester at Misericordia University.

Katherine Golias of Mount Royal was named to The University of Maine’s Dean’s List honors in the fall 2017 semester.

Seaman Jonathan Gabler of Swedesboro and a 2016 Kingsway Regional High School graduate is serving in the U.S. Navy aboard USS Anchorage. Gabler is an information systems technician aboard the amphibious transport dock operating out of San Diego. Anchorage, one of the Navy’s newest and most advanced amphibious ships, is designed to deliver Marines and their equipment where they are needed to support a variety of missions ranging from amphibious assaults to humanitarian relief efforts. A Navy information systems technician is responsible for keeping the communications up on the ship so they can communicate with other ships and commands.

Kalyn C. Mozulay of Mullica Hill, was named to the DeSales University Announces Fall 2017 Dean’s List.

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March 21, 2025, 5:11 am
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