To the Editor,
I’m a taxpayer who considers this ethics complaint against School Board President James Mueller a frivolous issue among Republicans that is now wasting tax dollars to defend. Mr. Mueller, a Republican, went outside of his party’s lines and endorsed two Democrat candidates who he knows and has worked with, to get fair funding for our schools. While the two Republican candidates who he did not endorse, have done nothing in this long battle for fair funding. Intra-party disputes should not rise to a level that costs our overtaxed and underfunded town, money. In my town, families have lost bussing without the benefit of sidewalks to walk on to school, but we are wasting time and money on Republicans fighting Republicans.
It seems to me Mr. Philbin, the Gloucester County GOP Chairman, is using HIS position to try to bully someone who does not tow the party line. It was only last month that our Township Committee decided to join the fight, while other affected townships passed resolutions in March of 2017. Mr. Mueller has been working hard to get fair funding for ALL the sending districts of Kingsway including East Greenwich. As a resident of East Greenwich, I remember when the mayor sent out an email blast to the community telling residents they should vote no on a school referendum. How is that any different? It’s time to drop the petty grudges, and start working together for the taxpayers.
Mike Skowronski