SWEDESBORO — Partnering with the Swedesboro-Woolwich PTO and Swedesboro-Woolwich Parks and Recreation, the Kiwanis Club is preparing for their Inaugural 08085 Run on June 9. The theme is focused on the 08085 zip code. The race will kick off Fun Day at Locke Avenue Park and will provide participation for all ages.
Runners will choose between an 8K and a 5K. Walkers may complete the 5K course or a 0.8 mile walk, on a flat paved trail within Locke Avenue Park.
If anyone would like to support a good cause but is not able to train, you may register as a sitter and complete your race in your most comfortable chair (at home or at the park watching the excitement of the runners crossing the finish line while listening to a narrator talking them through the run.) Sitters will receive the sought-after inaugural tech shirt and medal, just like the runners.
There will be kids’ races, too. More details and online registration are available at www.RUNTHEDAY.com/race/08085run. For paper registration, email 08085run@gmail.com or 08085 Run, P.O. Box 744, Swedesboro, NJ 08085.
Profits will be used for children’s projects. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Swedesboro has helped to start a Key Club at Kingsway Regional High School. The club has grown and gives students an opportunity to volunteer their services for the good of the community.
Kiwanis supports literacy projects for local three and four year-olds by providing readers and giving books to each child. Other projects include donations to area food banks.
The Swedesboro Woolwich PTO provides the district schools with additional funds, programs, resources, support, by coordinating the school volunteer program, and services that will enrich the education of every child while also benefiting the schools.