SWEDESBORO — The countdown is on for the Inaugural 08085 Run/Walk/Sit Race.
Tiffany Mercer, president of the Swedesboro-Woolwich PTO, and Michelle VanDiehl, Park Director Woolwich Township and Swedesboro-Woolwich Parks and Recreation are coordinating final plans with race director, Joe Musumeci, Kiwanis Club of Greater Swedesboro, to make this a fun event for all.
The event featuring the 08085 zip code has something for everyone. On June 9, the youngest runners will start the day with the .8 mile run at 7:30 a m. Runners can run an 8K or a 5K. Walkers choose between the 5K course or .8 mile walk within Locke Avenue Park.
Those who would like to support a good cause and receive the special inaugural medal and tech shirt, just like the runners, may sit at home or in the park where race details will be relayed by a narrator.
Proceeds will go toward materials to enhance classroom teaching and children’s projects supported by the Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.
Although online registration has just closed, it is not too late for interested people to check out the details of the race at wwwRUNTHEDAY.com/race/08085run, then contact the race director at 08085run@gmail.com. Payment (cash or check payable to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Swedesboro) will be accepted prior to the race on race day, along with same day registrations.