East Greenwich Fire and Rescue Log

Dwelling Fire: 2; Building Fire: 2; Motor Vehicle Crash: 6; Commercial Motor Vehicle Crash: 1; Material Spill: 1; Fire Investigation: 1; Interior Fumes: 1; Exterior Fumes: 4; Fire Alarm: 10; Carbon Monoxide Alarm: 1; Service Assignment: 1; Cardiac Arrest:     1

DEC. 4 at 17:23, Kings Hwy. at W. Tomlin Station Rd. for a Commercial Motor Vehicle Crash. Gloucester County Communications was reporting a multi vehicle MVC, Harrison Twp. Station 23-1 was also dispatched.  Dep. Chief Hall (1902) arrived and reported a tractor trailer and three passenger vehicles involved in the crash. The tractor trailer was overturned and its load of soybeans had spilled out. There was no entrapment, the injured were treated and transported by Gloucester County EMS. For safety, crews from Rescue 1918, 2318 and Engine 1911 disconnected the batteries of each vehicle. After the vehicles were towed, crews from Rescue 1918 and Engine 1911 assisted in the clean up of the soybean spill. The roadway was cleared and reopened. The station was in service for 3 hours and 8 minutes.

DEC. 14 at 21:47, 38 Mantua Rd. for Exterior Fumes. The caller was reporting the smell of gas outside of their house. Chief Gould (1901) arrived and could not locate the source of the odor. He ordered Rescue 1918 to check further up Mantua Rd. and Engine 1911 was ordered to check the area of Lodge Ave. and Berkley Ave. Units checked multiple area around the Mount Royal area, but no source could be located. It was discovered that Colonial Pipe had been venting a storage tank and that was the source of the odor. The station was in service for 46 minutes.

DEC. 20 at 23:59, 1100 Royal Crescent Ct., Building 3 for a Fire Alarm. Chief Gould (1901) and Engine 1911 arrived and found the fire alarm sounding. Upon investigation, a bad smoke detector was discovered. Maintenance was advised to replace the unit. While clearing the scene, the fire alarm in Building 5 began sounding. 1901 and 1911 investigated and found another bad detector in that building.  Maintenance was advised of that unit also. The station was in service for 26 minutes.

DEC. 21 at 17:15, 431 Short Hills Dr. for a Fire Alarm. Dispatched for fire alarm, the alarm company advised the alarm was caused by careless cooking.  Chief Gould (1901) arrived and confirmed the cause, natural ventilation had cleared the smoke. He recalled the assignment. The station was in service for 11 minutes.

DEC. 22 at 11:42, 3 Cedar Rd. for a Fire Investigation. The caller was reporting the electric transformer blew out and caused sparks. Engine 1911 responded. Lt. Wadleigh (1905) arrived on location and reported no fire department services needed and recalled the assignment. The station was in service for 13 minutes.

DEC. 26 at 13:47, Swedesboro Ave. at Democrat Rd for a Motor Vehicle Crash. Chief Gould (1901) arrived and reported a 2 vehicle MVC with one vehicle into the woods with 1 person trapped. Rescue 1918 and Engine 1911 responded. Crews went into service to extricate 1 person. The victim was extricated and transported by GC EMS. Also dispatched was Harrison Rescue 2318. The station was in service for 32 minutes.

East Greenwich Twp. Fire and Rescue is a 100 percent volunteer emergency response department protecting East Greenwich and its surrounding communities. Anyone interested in joining the department please email recruitment@district19.org, call 856-423-6916 or stop by station at 5 W. Cohawkin Rd. on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m.

Visit us at facebook.com/EastGreenwichFireRescue or at www.District19.org.

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