Person, Place, or Thing Photo Contest

The New Town Press is holding a Person, Place or Thing Photo Contest.

We are looking for anything interesting and beautiful – people, scenery, pets, etc.

Please write a one sentence explanation of the photograph. Include with your submission your name, address, and contact information. State that the photograph is taken by you and has not have been retouched or altered other than cropping.

If you are submitting a photograph of a person, you are assuming the responsibility of having the subject’s permission for publishing their likeness.

Email all submissions, with the photograph embedded in the body of the message AND attached as a separate jpg to: by Nov. 15.

The top photographs will be placed online at for viewing. Voting will be done online beginning Dec. 6. Deadline for voting will be Dec. 20.

The winner will receive a prize and front page picture on the January 2020 issue.

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March 17, 2025, 7:39 pm
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Mainly clear
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