12 Students Named as Award Winners at MLK Day Program

SWEDESBORO — Many students from Swedesboro-Woolwich and Kingsway School Districts submitted entries for the MLK Day Art and Essay contests sponsored by HELP, Inc.  Twelve talented winning students received ribbons, cash prizes, ice cream certificates and special recognition from their school districts.

Winners were announced at the Swedesboro MLK Day Program in front of an audience of over 300 people.

The following students won Art Contest awards (K-2) 1st Place Mr. Zhang; 2nd Place, Lyla DiPalmer; (3rd-5th grade) 1st place Lovleen Kaur; 2nd Place-Ojasvi Gaekwad; 3rd Place-Alexandra Cardena-Maciel;( 6th-8th grade) 1st Place Jacob Reeves; 2nd Place Jason Zhang; 1st Place Charlize Bjanes (10th grade) and 1st Place for Jessica Zhang (11th grade).  Essay Contest Winners are Ashley Vicente-Godinez; 2nd Place Belia Young; and 3rd Place-Christina Vicente Godinez.

“The Kingsway High School Art submissions by Jessica Zhang and Charlize Bjanes were outstanding.” stated Dr. Michele Blair, MLK Committee Member. Bjanes drew a tapestry woven by hands of different colors, depicting that people (no matter their color) are all interconnected.

Zhang drew Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivering his “Better Together” speech. “We were additionally impressed with the Swedesboro-Woolwich School District entries from Ms. Christine Desrocher’s ESL class.” Dr. Blair added. “This amazing teacher not only gave a voice to her students, but was seen sitting front row at the event to cheer them on. We are grateful to have teachers like Ms. Desrochers in the district.”

HELP, Inc. has been sponsoring Swedesboro’s MLK Day program for 15 years and is a 501 © (3) non-profit organization. The Historical and Educational Lodge-Hall Preservatory, Inc. (HELP, Inc.) is committed to : Helping… restore and preserve African-American historical sites, traditions and experiences and presenting high quality historical programs.  Pictures of the winning artwork can be seen at: www. Helpinc.org  and on Facebook: Swedesboro MLK Day Program. Congratulations to all of the winners!

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