REPAUPO — Repaupo United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 21 from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Repaupo United Methodist Church Social Hall, 770 Swedesboro-Paulsboro Road, Repaupo.

Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Proceeds from the breakfast will go toward a volunteer meal packaging event for the international relief organization, “Rise Against Hunger”.  “Rise Against Hunger” distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable, mobilizing the necessary resources to end hunger by 2030.

The meal packaging program is a volunteer-based program that coordinates the streamlined packaging of highly nutritious dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals.  The breakfast is one of the upcoming fundraisers coordinated by the Repaupo UMC to provide the funds to host the packaging event at the church where they and other volunteers will put together 10,000 meals to help the impoverished throughout the world.

For further information about the “Rise Against Hunger” program or the breakfast, please call 609-319-4835.  Your support will be greatly appreciated.

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March 16, 2025, 10:14 pm
Apparent: 57°F