Sign Up Now To Reserve Your Woolwich Community Garden Plot

WOOLWICH TWP. — Calling all gardeners and ‘want-to-be’ gardeners!

Woolwich Township will once again continue its community garden that started in 2008 and which has grown from 11 plots to the current 52 plots. Entering its 13th season, it is again giving the residents of Woolwich Township and Swedesboro first priority before accepting applications from neighboring communities.

Gardeners are able to reserve either a full plot (20 foot by 30 foot) at a cost of $30 or a half-plot (20 foot by 15 foot) for $15.

Anyone, whether a returning gardener or a newcomer, interested in signing up for the Woolwich Community Garden, please stop by the township clerk’s office in the Woolwich Municipal Building (120 Village Green Drive) to fill out an application and to pay the appropriate fee. The eager returning participants from last season from Woolwich Township and Swedesboro have until March 25 to register in order to retain their same plots. After that date, new gardeners from Woolwich and Swedesboro have until April 1 to register before any remaining plots are open to the residents of other communities.

There is a shed in which to share and/or store gardening tools and supplies, running well water to water your crops, an herb garden, a compost pile, and a gathering area with picnic table and bulletin board on which to share pertinent garden information.

A monthly online newsletter called the “Watering Can” started publication in 2016 and will continue as long as there are volunteers to contribute interesting garden articles, tips, recipes, upcoming events, etc. during the gardening season. All are welcomed to get involved.    

During last year’s gardening season, the Woolwich Community Garden was honored and proud to be the recipient of a Blue Ribbon Award in the Philadelphia Horticultural Society’s 2019 Gardening Contest.

If you enjoy the outdoors, are not averse to work (planting, watering, feeding, weeding, pruning), prefer a form of exercise outside of the gym, want more natural Vitamin D, desire a sense of satisfaction in knowing that your efforts produced the food you’ll be eating throughout the summer (and throughout winter too if you preserve, can, or freeze your produce), the Woolwich Community Garden would be a great choice. In addition, you may also reap some mental benefits by participating in this collective gardening space–camaraderie, friendships, smiles, and a team spirit. 

The Woolwich Community Garden has a mission and wants its participants to remember that “Community gardens are spaces where individuals come together to grow food, build relationships, and celebrate their communities”.        

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March 16, 2025, 10:44 pm
Apparent: 48°F