Small acts of kindness count during this tumultuous time

It’s hard to do a summary of events during this COVID-19 crisis. Things are changing each day. More positive cases are showing up in our immediate area. More things are cancelled. More things shut down. Businesses are hurting. But businesses are also rising up to the challenge and helping. Businesses such as Flowers by Dena used up their flower inventory before mandatory closing to drop off flowers to senior citizens whose names were sent to them by caring individuals. Others such as The Red Hen did a curbside handout of free soup to those in need. People shared through social media what grocery items could be found and where. Often times, it was the smaller, local grocery stores like Botto’s and Heritages. Although it took a bit to get kids off the playgounds after schools were closed down, it slowly started happening. Streets emptied. Stores locked their doors. People stayed home. But as a community we WILL get through this. We will have to continue to support each other and when things open up again, support all the local businesses. But we will return to normal.

By Karen E. Viereck, Editor/Publisher

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March 17, 2025, 8:18 pm
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