Bridgeport hockey rink renovations a topic of Logan Council’s conversation

LOGAN TWP. — Several residents joined the Logan Township teleconference meeting on April 20 with questions concerning several key topics.

One of which was the status of the hockey rink by the Bridgeport Municipal Building. Director of Engineering Annina Hogan stated that there were two possibilities on what to do with the aging rink. One would be to simply renovate it or turn it into a multiuse court, which the residents on the call said they were leaning towards.

Children would then have an option of playing several different sports on the same court, including basketball and pickleball to name a few. Hogan stated that hopefully, by mid-June, a contractor would be hired and that construction on the rink could begin.

Another caller inquired about the re-opening of the Logan Township parks. “We’re all frustrated about the parks,” Mayor Frank Minor stated in response. “But we are in the middle of a pandemic, and we must satisfy both state regulations and CDC guidelines.”

Minor went on to say that they are working diligently to get the parks reopened but was reluctant to give dates and times due to the CDC’s guidelines changing almost daily. “We have to do it in a respectful and safe way,” he concluded.

It was also approved that the HEADStrong Lacrosse Club can use the Township Line Park this summer from April 22 to July 22.

Furthermore, South State Inc. was awarded the bid at $227,465.15 to resurface Heron Drive.

In addition, the municipal building’s hours will be changing for the summer. From June 1 to Sept 7, the new hours will be Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

by David Warren

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March 16, 2025, 11:07 am
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