Swedesboro, Logan & County Library Programs


All GCLS branch libraries are now open to the public but with limited access. Face masks are required. 

Go to www.gcls.org to find our virtual library online. Click the classes/events tab and choose online events calendar. Click an event to enjoy Storytime, S.T.E.M. tutorials, crafting videos, cooking demos, book chats and more. You can find everything on our new YouTube Channel and on our Library Facebook page, too. Check out our selection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, Movies & TV with Hoopla and Overdrive. 

Contactless Pickup is also still available.


Readers Roundtable – Weekly on Thursday afternoons:  Thursdays, May 6, 13, 20, & 27 – 4:00 p.m. Visit our website at www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find these events and click on the link!  

Yoga for Beginners – Tuesdays, May 11, 18, & 25 – 7 p.m. – Yoga for Beginners. Join us for this relaxing program for people new to Yoga. Please login 10 minutes prior to class. Please wear comfortable clothing and have a mat or non-slip surface to work off. Please take breaks as needed. To join this event, go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link! 

Spring Family Yoga – Wednesdays, May 12, & 19 – 4:30 p.m. Spring into fun with the whole family! Join GCLS online via Google Meet! Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link! 

History Book Club – Monday, May 10 – 7 p.m. – The group will be discussing All Blood Runs Red:  The Legendary Life of Eugene Bullard:  Boxer, Pilot, Soldier, Spy by Phil Keith and Tom Clavin. To join this event, go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link! 

Steps to Declutter Your Kitchen – Clutter Challenges Series – Tuesday, May 11 – 7 p.m.  

This is the program for you if your countertops are covered in stuff and your drawers and cabinets won’t close. If your kitchen needs an organizing makeover then join us online with author and organizer Jamie Novak. Jamie will guide you through a live mini de-cluttering session and by the end of the program you’ll be prepared to successfully tidy the heart of your home. Please register for this program to get the link to join the virtual presentation. To register, go to www.gcls.org.  Click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click “register.”

Medicare and You – Wednesday, May 12 – 4 p.m. Join a SHIP Coordinator for a virtual presentation on Medicare basics, supplements and advantage plans. Registration required.

Know Your History with Mr. Ben – Tuesdays, May 11 & 25 – 3:30 p.m. Join GCLS’ historian, Mr. Ben, to learn about some fascinating local history. May 11 will be about the May Haffey Maternity Hospital.  May 25 will be the Lake Park Cemetery Tour.  For all “Know Your History events”, go to www.gcls.org  and click on the Facebook icon. You can also find many “Know Your History” events on the library’s YouTube page, too: Go to www.gcls.org and click on the YouTube icon.

Lights, Camera, Action! – Virtual Movie Discussion Group – Thursday, May 13 – 7 p.m. Join GCLS for our BRAND NEW movie discussion group! Join us monthly for an exciting discussion on a select movie. View the movie at your leisure through Kanopy or Hoopla and then meet to discuss your thoughts. Movies will vary from classics to award winning to contemporary films.

Please register for this program to receive the link to join the meeting. Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link!

Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Helping Children Navigate Anxiety During the Pandemic – Monday, May 17 – 7 p.m. Join GCLS and Dr. Martin E. Franklin, an associate professor emeritus of clinical psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, to learn tips and tricks on the best ways to deal with the anxieties of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on it.  Will see a link to register.

Clean Your Closet by the Weekend:  Clutter Challenges Series – Tuesday, May 18 – 7 p.m. Not sure where to begin to finally clean out that closet? Log on and learn the 5 steps to organize any closet with expert organizer and author Jamie Novak. She’ll share her insider tips and the things every closet needs to stay clutter free.  Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link and register.

From Piles to Files: How to Sort Out Your Paperwork – Clutter Challenges Series – Tuesday, May 25 – 7 p.m. If your tabletops are covered with stacks of paper and your filing cabinets are overflowing, then you won’t want to miss this virtual program. Join author and organizer Jamie Novak for this one-hour virtual program when she’ll show you which papers to keep, how to file them once and for all! Plus, she’ll share what you can shred, regret-free. During the program you’ll make your own retention schedule for future reference.  Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link and register.

Virtual Page Turner Adult Book Club – Tuesday, May 25- 7 p.m. – Join the GCLS Swedesboro Library’s Page Turners Book Club for their monthly meeting!  This month will be a reader’s choice:  The Girl in the Letter by Emily Gunnis OR The Key by Kathryn Hughes.  Join us by going to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link!

What’s Cooking with Miss Carolyn – Thursdays, May 6, 13, 20, & 27  – 4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Find out what’s cooking this week! Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link!  You can also find many “What’s Cooking” programs on the library’s YouTube page.  Go to www.gcls.org and click on the YouTube icon.

Writers’ Roundtable Online – Tuesday, May 18 – 6:30 -7:30 p.m. Join other aspiring writers online, and share your work!  Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link!

Grab & Go Bags for adults once-a-month. Stop in to pick up a “Grab and Go Bag” – one per adult. Enjoy simple crafts you can do at home! Supplies are included. First come, first serve, while supplies last.


Spring Family Yoga – Wednesdays, May 12, & 19 – 4:30 p.m. Spring into fun with the whole family! Join GCLS online via Google Meet!  Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link! 

Mighty Minds- Wellness Workshop for Kids. – Monday, May 10 – 6:30 p.m. – Ages 6-12.  Virtual Program – Presented by Wellness Outside the Box, Dr. Michele Kinderman & Dr. Kelly Fleming Yanek.  Children will learn ways to identify and manage their anxiety/stress. Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link! 

Fitness Fun! – Monday, May 24 – 4:30 p.m. Ages 6-12 – Join Michele Wroblewski, a youth fitness instructor and dietician for movement, trivia, and more! Click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click “register.”  

Preschool & Toddler Live Virtual Storytimes – Now 5 days a week at 10:30 a.m. with your favorite Librarians. Mondays with Miss Mary, Tuesdays with Miss Terri, Wednesdays with Miss Heather, Thursdays with Miss Stephanie and Miss Brittany, and Fridays with Miss Debbie and Miss Geraldine. Best suited for ages 3 to 5. You can also find many storytimes on the library’s YouTube page, too: Go to www.gcls.org and click on the YouTube icon.  Check our virtual calendar to find these events and join our GCLS newsletter to keep current.

PreSchool Recorded Online StorytimeMondays – 10:30 a.m. – Join Miss Stephanie for a fun storytime. Missed it? Find it on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Go to www.gcls.org and click the Facebook or YouTube icons.

Recorded Online Pajama Storytime Mondays – 6 p.m. – best suited for ages 3-6. Wear your pajamas and get comfortable and join your favorite Librarians for a bedtime story. Find us on Facebook and YouTube. Check our virtual calendar to find these events and join our GCLS newsletter to keep current.

S.T.E.M Virtual Programs – Fridays, May 7, 14, 21, and 28 – 1:30 p.m. Learn a fun S.T.E.M activity to do right in your own home! Go to gcls.org and click on the Facebook icon. You can also find many of our S.T.E.M virtual programs on the library’s YouTube page, too: Go to www.gcls.org and click on the YouTube icon.

Virtual Kid’s Crafternoon – Wednesdays, May 12, 19, & 26 – 1 p.m. Learn how to make fun and unique crafts with most materials you already have at home! Go to gcls.org and click on the Facebook icon. You can also find many of our craft virtual programs on the library’s YouTube page, too: Go to www.gcls.org and click on the YouTube icon.

We would love for you to snap a photo of your finished crafts and share with us on our Instagram page.

Reading with FURever as Friends. Sign up to read to one of our adorable therapy animals outdoors. Each child will be given a 10 minute slot. Check the dates on our virtual calendar and call the library where you want to visit to schedule an appointment.


May’s Challenge – Ages 4-12 – Stop into the library and pick up an activity page for National Mental Health Month.  Complete all 11 activities and get a special prize.  

Take Home:  Read and Do Bags!  Patrons can check out one bag per child at the Swedesboro Library. Each bag will contain 3 library books, a coloring page, and a simple craft you can do with your child at home. Different themes will be available while supplies last. Please be sure to bring your bag to the circulation desk for checkout.

Grab and Go Bags for children – Stop in to pick up a “Grab and Go Bag” – one per child.   Enjoy simple crafts you can do at home!  There will be a new craft each week. Supplies are included. First come, first serve, while supplies last.  

Storytime Kits – Once a month, pick up a storytime kit. Kits will include one free book, activities, and a craft. One per family while supplies last.


Teen Art Club – Wednesday, May 19 – 6:30 p.m. Join GCLS and other teens on the library’s Discord channel. You can share art tips and techniques, or reach out and get help to improve your art skills. There will be weekly challenges for everyone to try to complete!

Teen Game Nights online – Let’s play some Among Us!  Play on your PC or smartphone/tablet, and use our teen Discord server to chat! Make sure to have the game installed on your device!

Need to join the Discord server? Go to . Email Paul for more information at ppalmer@gcls.org.

Teen Twitch:  Stream and Chat – Fridays, May 7, 14, 21, & 28 – 4:30 p.m. Join GCLS Teen Librarian, Paul, and other teens on twitch!  Go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar.  Find this event and click on the link!

Virtual Teen Writers’ Club – Monday, May 10 – 7 p.m. – If you love writing, need new ideas, like sharing ideas/stories/poems, and/or learning new writing techniques and types of writing – this club is for you. We also have a literary magazine that your works can be included in! Call 856-467-0111 for more information.

Teen/Tween Virtual Book Club – Saturday, May 15 – 12:30 p.m. Each week the next book will be selected as a group. To join this event, go to www.gcls.org, click classes and events tab, click online events calendar. Find this event and click on the link! 

Join our email list to stay in the know! Go to www.gcls.org.  Scroll down till you find the “Stay Connected” tab on the right hand side.

All GCLS Libraries will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021, in observance of Memorial Day.


Cemetery Walking Tours: May 11, Logan Union U. M. Church, St. Paul’s 10 a.m.; May 18 Mt. Zion & Oaklawn 4 p.m.; May 25 Lake Park Cemetery 10 a.m.

Reservations required; please call Ben Carlton 856-803-5095 or email bcarlton@gcls.org

Logan Library In-Person Outdoor Storytime with Miss Heather: Fridays, May 7, 14, 21 & 2,8 10:30 a.m. Ages 0 – 5. Advance registration required; limited to 6 families. Masks required for all attendees over the age of 2.


Mullica Hill Branch, 389 Wolfert Station Road

In person and Outdoor programs:

FURever As Friends Reading Program in person and outdoors!- May13 and 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Outdoor Storytime– Fridays at Chestnut Branch Park at 10:30 a.m.

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