Harrison’s Tax Projections Help Officials Decide To Keep Warehouse Zoning

HARRISON TWP. — According to a press release from Harrison Township Mayor Louis Manzo, a study was done by the CFO/Treasurer of the township on the tax impact to residents on two different options for the construction of warehouses in the township.Option 1 studied would be to keep current zoning which would allow warehousing to […]
Logan decides not to move on application for Oak Grove warehouse variance

LOGAN TWP. – The Logan Township Zoning Board of Adjustment decided not to make a motion on an application by Sun Light Logan for a zoning variance to construction three warehouses on property located on Oak Grove Road in Logan Township near Bridgeport. On Feb. 13 after a public presentation by representatives from Sun Light […]
Remembering Dr. Irene Hill-Smith at Richwood Academy, March 5

MULLICA HILL—A panel of family members and community leaders will remember the life and work of Dr. Irene Hill-Smith. on Sunday, March 5, 2023, 3 pm, at the historic Richwood Academy Cultural Center. Dr. Hill-Smith was a national leader in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s whose distinguished career began here in Gloucester […]
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day With Something A Little Different

Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day so why not make some other traditional Irish dishes instead of the normal ham or corned beef. Beef and Stout Stew A comforting, easy stew, perfect for a cold day. Make sure you mop up the gravy! 1 onion 2 oz smoked bacon (streaky) approximately 2 slices 1 […]
Swedesboro-Woolwich Parks and Rec Upcoming Events
Residents of Swedesboro and Woolwich are invited to the 2023 Daddy Daughter Dances. The dances will be held on Saturday, March 4at the Bridgeport Fire Hall. The K thru 2 grade dance is from 1 to 3 p.m. The 3 and 4 grade dance is from 4 to 6 p.m. The 5 and 6 grade […]
Several ordinances pass to change construction along Rt. 322

WOOLWICH TWP. – Tensions were high at the Woolwich Township committee meeting on Feb. 21, as several members of the Woolwich community arrived to voice their displeasure at various ordinances regarding re-zoning and amendments to the township’s master plan. The ordinances in question ranged from rezoning several lots to be residential, establishing a “corridor commercial […]
Welcome Neighbors! Did you know?

Kings Things Christian Thrift Store at 1402 Kings Highway in downtown Swedesboro, offers a fully provisioned food pantry providing food assistance to individuals and families who are in need of temporary or long-term support. Our donated and purchased inventory includes canned soups, fruits and vegetables, frozen meats, baked goods, pasta and much more. The hours […]
Kingsway Senior Places Third in State in VFW Scholarship Competition

Kingsway senior, Madeleine Malesich, placed third in the state for this year’s Voices of Democracy Scholarship competition. Established in 1947, Voices of Democracy (VOD) is an annual voice essay competition for high school students. The contest was created by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) as a way to teach students about what it means […]
Local Brewery Keeps Up Battle Against State’s New Rules

Death of the Fox Founder and President Chuck Garrity gets ready for the Philadelphia Eagles’ NFC Championship Game alongside bartender/supervisor Tiffany Patch at their brewery in Clarksboro.(Photo Credit – Death of the Fox) EAST GREENWICH – When New Jersey’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control enacted new rules targeting the state’s brewing industry last year, one […]

CLARKSBORO — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Clarksboro is excited to announce its upcoming events for March. On Saturday, March 11 there will be another Contactless Food Drive at 304 Kings Highway in Clarksboro from 10 a.m. to noon. The St. Peter’s Community Pantry is expected to open in April to provide food to those […]