Anti-Warehouse Candidates Secure another Endorsement

SWEDESBORO — Local Assembly Candidates, Tanzie Youngblood of Swedesboro, Robert Fitzpatrick of Woolwich Township, and Senate Candidate Mario De Santis of Glassboro, secured another endorsement, this time with the Working Families Party.

Labeled “The Good Democrats”, these candidates have been picking up steam from their commitment to working class values and their anti-warehouse position.  Sue Altman, Executive Director of the New Jersey Working Families Party, was quoted as saying, “These candidates are the best choices for voters in these districts. They will advocate for the needs of New Jerseyans and their families, and we are proud to support them in these races. We encourage all who live in these districts to learn about these candidates and to make sure and vote on June 6.”

Upon hearing of the endorsement, Assembly Candidate Robert Fitzpatrick stated, “Some of us have been advocating for working class people our entire careers and some of us are called a CEO from exploiting wages. The constituency will have to decide who reflects their values on June 6.”

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