Seniors Enjoy Their 2024 Senior Trip, Empty Bowls Fundraiser a Success

Each year, Kingsway seniors go on a five-day-long trip to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios Orlando. This year’s trip, like many other senior trips before it, was a much-needed celebration of the senior class’s time in high school.

The trip took place from March 25 to March 29. Spring break at Kingsway began on Thursday, March 28 rather than Wednesday, March 27 due to a make-up snow day, so students on the trip missed two days of school.

During the trip, students were allowed free range of each of the Disney Parks: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot. Students could “park hop” or take buses from one park to another, after arriving at the day’s designated park.

On the Friday before the trip, students were required to drop off their luggage at school to be checked. Students were also separated into two flight groups, A and B. Each group was required to arrive at the high school at their respective time on the Sunday night before their flights departed on Monday morning.

The flights themselves didn’t experience many issues. However, Group B’s flight was delayed from an 8:30 a.m. departure to a 10 a.m. departure. The group was expected to arrive in Disney’s Hollywood Studios around 11 a.m. but ended up arriving at around 2:30 p.m.

The delay was the only setback experienced during the trip, and the rest went smoothly. Students enjoyed park-hopping, having dinner with friends at unique Disney restaurants and, of course, going on rides.

Prior to the Senior Trip, grades 9 through 12 participated in a spirit week followed by a pep rally. Each day of the spirit week was themed around a Disney movie in preparation for the trip, with Friday being Class Colors Day for the pep rally. The weather for the outdoor pep rally was cooler than expected at around 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Kingsway’s National Art Honor Society also hosted its annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser on March 20. Raising about $500 for the Food Bank of South Jersey, the fundraiser was the perfect way for NAHS members to use their passion for art to benefit the community.

Tickets were required to enter the event, so NAHS members spent several weeks beforehand selling tickets to friends, family members, and teachers. Attendees of the event were invited to take a hand-painted bowl from one of the NAHS members and enjoy several different kinds of soup and breadsticks.

NAHS members worked hard planning and setting up the Empty Bowls event. They also began planning their next event, the paint night fundraiser, an event in which NAHS members teach attendees how to paint a picture of their choice.

Proceeds from the paint night go to NAHS itself for their field trip to Salem Community College’s Glass Education Center. Students will learn to make art by blowing glass, making for a unique field trip that is different from previous trips.

By Madison McNally

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March 14, 2025, 10:17 am
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