September Events

AGED TO PERFECTION: If you are over 55 years of age and reside in Woolwich or Swedesboro, join our wait list to become a member. The group is capped at 100 members. We are an active senior group enjoying common interests, games and outings. Meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at the Woolwich Township Municipal Building. For additional information or to join the wait list, please call Janet Richardson 856-467-0069.

DUPLICATE BRIDGE BEGINNER LESSONS: Tuesdays: 6-7:30 p.m. for beginners. $5/lesson. Lessons are remote. Questions/RSVP: John Nothdurft,, 856-534-7252.

EAST GREENWICH SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION: If you are over 55 years old and live in East Greenwich Township, please consider joining the East Greenwich Senior Citizen Commission. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. at the East Greenwich Township Municipal Building, located at 159 Democrat Road, Mickleton. We are welcoming new members as we work to grow our membership and become more active as a group with more planned activities, events and outings. For additional information, please email us at

GREATER SWEDESBORO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION MEETING: For more information, visit the website at

THE HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL LODGE HALL-PRESERVATORY, INC’S: (H.E.L.P. Inc.) Monthly Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month. H.E.L.P. Inc.’s mission is the preservation and restoration of three significant African American historical sites in Swedesboro and Woolwich Township. H.E.L.P Inc. also sponsors several community educational and cultural programs throughout the year. We invite individuals of diverse backgrounds to join us as board members, annual members, and or donors to further the goals of the organization. For more information on how to get involved, please visit, or email

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 7526: Meetingsare held the first and third Mondays at 8 p.m. during the months of September through June, and third Monday in July and August in the parish hall behind St. Joseph’s Church, 140 Broad St., Swedesboro, NJ 08085. Transfers from other councils are welcome to attend. Interested prospective members are asked to contact Grand Knight, Randy Weiland at 856-803-4700 for further information.

LOGAN TOWNSHIP SENIORS CLUB: If you are over 50 and live in Logan Township, come join our seniors’ group! We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1 p.m. at the Logan Municipal Building, 125 Main Street, Bridgeport, NJ. Call 856-467-3424 for additional information.

SOUTH HARRISON SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB: If you are 60+ years old and reside in South Harrison Township, please join us for our meetings every third Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. at the South Harrison Township Municipal Building. New members are welcome! We have speakers or activities and a free lunch each month. For additional information, please contact Terri Catalano at 856-981-3592 or email

SWEDESBORO WOOLWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OPEN HOUSE: Our open house in September will be Sunday, Sept. 15 from 1 to 3 p.m. You can call 856-467-1889 to request a visit on another day. Be sure to visit the museum and our table on Swedesboro Day – Saturday, September 28 – 9-4.

SWEDESBORO WOOLWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7 p.m., Swedesboro Borough Hall. Meetings are open to the public.

Check out our new website at Check on the website for books and merchandise that is for sale.  Our books and ornaments make great gifts any time!  Remember, we are always interested in Swedesboro memorabilia donations.

We are interviewing long-time residents of Swedesboro.  If you are interested in sharing your Swedesboro memories, we would love to video your interview to share with others.  Call 856-467-1693 if you would like to be interviewed. Check us on Facebook – search for Swedesboro-Woolwich Historical Society. To contact us, call 856-467-1693 or Email us at

SWEDESBORO WOOLWICH PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING, the first Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. in the Woolwich Twp. Municipal Building. For information, please contact Shannon Kilpatrick, SW Parks & Rec Coordinator, at

SWEDESBORO/WOOLWICH JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING, Sept. 12, 7 p.m., Swedesboro Borough Hall, 1500 Kings Hwy., Swedesboro.

SWEDES TALKERS TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS, 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. People eager to sharpen their public-speaking and leadership skills are invited to attend a meeting of the Swede Talkers, the Woolwich-based Toastmasters International affiliate. Meetings are free of charge, and there is no pressure to join the club. If you plan to attend a meeting, please email Dani Heise, vice president of public relations, at We look forward to having you join us!

VFW POST 10886 WOOLWICH MEETINGS, Members meeting first Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m.; social meeting third Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., Woolwich Fire House, Kings Hwy., Swedesboro. This VFW serves Woolwich, Swedesboro, Logan, Harrison, and East Greenwich Townships. New members welcome.

WOOLWICH DEMOCRATS are seeking residents interested in becoming involved in their community. Volunteer to help for an event, an election, or a committee. Please visit or contact Chair Adam Taliaferro at or Vice Chair Jean Garozzo at 856-889-4112 for additional information.

WOOLWICH TWP. REPUBLICAN CLUB MEETINGS. Together we can continue to provide residents with a premiere community to live in and raise a family. Be a part of our successful track record and an even brighter future – visit or contact Beth Sawyer at 856-725-5215 or email to get involved.

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