Christmas Eve Day Services at Old Stone Church

WOOLWICH TWP. — If you want to enjoy a nostalgic experience to savor your Christmas Eve Day, then plan to come out to the Old Stone Church on Dec. 24 at 3 p.m. This year is the 231st year for the church which was built in 1793. 

Come gather with neighbors and friends for this historic service listening to the message delivered by Dan Stephens and singing carols as you watch the organist pump the old organ. Then help to brighten up the church in the closing candlelight ceremony as you sing “Silent Night”.

You will experience all this in an ancient brownstone building that houses the original pews on the main floor and a balcony. Lighting is by kerosene lamps and candlelight. Heat will be minimal so please come bundled up and note that there are no bathroom facilities.

Parking is only along Stone Meeting House Road in front of the church.

The feeling of the spirit of Christmas that you will get in this historic setting will become a Christmas memory. The Old Stone Church is located at the intersection of Stone Meeting House and Oak Grove Road in Woolwich Township, only one mile north of Route 322 on Oak Grove Road.

The Old Stone Church is maintained by the Bethesda United Methodist Church (BUMC) in Swedesboro and donations go to maintenance of the building, cemetery and grounds. 

If you cannot attend but would like to contribute, please send a check to “Friends of Old Stone Church”, c/o Bethesda United Methodist Church; 1435 Kings Highway, Swedesboro, NJ 08085, Attention: Mr. Greg Paranto. For further information call the BUMC office at 856-467-0127.

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March 16, 2025, 1:38 pm
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