East Greenwich Senior Citizen Club Notices

If you are over 55 and live in East Greenwich Township, please join us for our monthly meetings. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. in the East Greenwich Municipal Building on Democrat Road in Mickleton.

Due to the holiday schedule, our next meeting will be on Jan. 9. We welcome new members to help us rebuild our senior group into an active group with planned activities and outings. Please come to our meetings to help us promote more activities in our community.

For additional info, email us at seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com.

Email blasts:

Are you signed up to receive East Greenwich email notices? We have updated the sign in page.

Go to eastgreenwichnj.com. Tap on the picture with the phone icon and “Stay informed with the latest news, events, and announcements. Sign up now.”

Type in your name and email address to get notices from the township about:  Township meetings, Notices regarding changes in trash schedule or other services and events, Announcement of upcoming events in the township, Senior Game Day dates and other senior events put on during the year.

Senior Game Days:

Our game day location has changed for 2025. We will still be meeting from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be on Jan 9. We will be meeting at the Evangelical United Methodist Church at 14 W. Cohawkin Road in Clarksboro.

Please come out and join us. We are looking for people interested in getting a group together to play bridge, pinochle, or mahjongg. Contact us at seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com.

Coffee Meet-ups:

We will be meeting up at the Death of the Fox on the third Tuesday of every month. Mark your calendars.

Come out, bring a friend and visit with member of our senior population at the Death of the Fox Brewing Company on Jan. 21 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Drop in for a cup of their wide array of gourmet coffee, espresso, tea, and Italian soda. They also have hot chocolate.

Just a casual get-together to meet old and new friends from our community. You are welcome to bring food with you if you want to enjoy a treat with your beverage.

The Death of the Fox is located in the Villages of Whiskey Mill at 119 Berkley Road, Unit B in Clarksboro. Come out and join us!

Senior Men’s Breakfast

The East Greenwich Senior Men’s Breakfast will be held on Jan. 9 at 9 a.m. at the Hollywood Diner, 940 Mantua Pike, Woodbury. All participants are responsible for paying for their own meal. Sign up at seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com with your name and phone # if you plan to attend.

Medical Equipment Reuse Program:

Gloucester County Senior Services (856-384-6900) is accepting donations of new or gently used medical equipment, unopened nutritional supplements and incontinence supplies. Items they receive will then be offered free of charge to county seniors in need.

Financial Planning Workshop:

Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. in the East Greenwich Municipal Building Courtroom.

Building Multi-Generational Wealth

Join us on Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. in the East Greenwich Municipal Building Courtroom for an engaging workshop on gifting to adult children and grandchildren to create a legacy of wealth that supports your family for generations. This is open to all members of our community. 

Topics Covered: tax-efficient ways to gift money to family; setting up funds for education, weddings, or first homes; avoiding common financial pitfalls with direct gifting; estate planning essentials; encouraging financial literacy and responsible spending habits; teaching family values around money and long-term goals; structuring gifts that encourage savings and smart investing; charitable giving as part of your legacy.

Any questions:  email to seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com

Mosaic Workshop for Seniors:

We are planning to have a workshop at the Shady Lane Complex on Jan. 23 and 30 at 10 a.m.  Class size is limited to 15 participants. Please only sign up for one of the two dates. If interested in signing up, look for the registration form on the EBlast on our EG website. Questions: email to seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com

GriefShare Support Group:

Do you need a support group to help you through the grief process?

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.  During this group, you will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief.

At GriefShare, you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips. Meetings are on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Evangelical United Methodist Church in Clarksboro. Call 856-423-0289 for classes starting in January. Group is free and open to the public.

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March 16, 2025, 1:31 pm
Apparent: 64°F