The definition of a food pantry is a place that provides food to people in need.
Scattered throughout Gloucester County are food pantries with countless volunteers working diligently every day to provide food to families in need.
These volunteers are trying to network with every possible source to see that their shelves have food to distribute to people in need on their distribution days. They do not get paid, or get mileage or a stipend for their efforts; they do it because there are hungry people that need to be fed.
The words “people in need” are meant to describe the family that is looking to feed their kids because there is little in the refrigerator. It is meant for the senior who must choose between a life-saving medication and food. It is meant for the single parent that works two jobs to keep a roof over their family’s head.
Food pantries are meant for those that are facing drastic circumstances, whether that be a major illness and huge medical bills, a loss of a high paying job and no way to pay a mortgage, or any situation where there is no money for food.
It is not meant for you if you can go to the grocery store and can buy your own food, can buy a new car, or can go out for dinner or spend a couple hundred dollars on entertainment. If you are not concerned where your next meal is coming from, you do not need to visit a food pantry.
Please do not be the person that takes food from others if you are fortunate to have the money in your pocket to meet your needs
Every month food pantries are serving more people, and it is getting harder to fill their shelves. Many pantries worry that grants will dry up, and that there will be less money available to them to purchase what they need, due to the decisions being made by the government.
It is said that we are all one, or two paychecks. away from poverty. One day you may need help filling your shelves and your local food pantry may have to turn you away because others who did not need it, lined up to get “free food.”
by E. O’Connor, Swedesboro