purseLOGAN TWP. – A letter was received at The New Town Press from the person who, in last month’s Logan Township Crime Log, was reported to have had her purse stolen at the Logan Township Acme. This person wanted to explain what had actually happened.

According to the letter, this person went in the Acme and in the front of the store, put her purse down to put two cases of water in her cart, and forgot to pick the purse back up. When she discovered that it was left, she went back, but it was gone.

She then went back again the next day to search for it and decided to ask at customer service if anyone may have turned it in. They found it in their lost and found drawer.

The letter writer stated that they didn’t know if an employee picked it up or someone shopping in the store, buy they took it to customer service.

She was then told to go to the police station to make a report in case her credit cards had been used during the time it was missing. At that point she also told the officer that the purse had been retrieved.

Apparently, the letter stated, that part didn’t get reported to the newspaper. The letter writer wanted this information reported in the newspaper because they didn’t want people to think that Acme was an unsafe place to shop.

The letter writer also wanted people to know that there are still honest people out there. They got back everything in the purse, including credit cards, phone, and $600.

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September 20, 2024, 8:53 pm
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