HARRISONVILLE — South Harrison Township was awarded $1,500 by the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC).  The purpose of the grant is to begin work to preserve open space and create Greenways along the township’s waterways, especially Oldmans Creek.

raccoonoldmansOldmans Creek has been designated by the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) as a C-1 Category Stream, indicating that it has exceptional natural resource value. The environmental Commission will work in collaboration with The South Jersey Land and Water Trust (SJLWT) which has previously received a grant for similar purposes.

The project will be ongoing throughout the year and will have a number of free events associated with it. There will be a number of nature walks and birding walks as well as township workshops for landowners and farmers and a cleanup of some of the Oldman’s creek area by volunteers.

The goal of the events is to introduce the environmental commission through fun interactive free events and to educate the land owners on the Oldman’s Creek and the Raccoon Creek watershed about how special these rivers and watersheds are to everyone who lives in this area.

The grant was made possible by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in response to an application made by the township’s Environmental Commission. South Harrison Township was one of 21 townships in New Jersey to be awarded the grant.

The South Harrison Township Environmental Commission web site has a large amount of information online including the Master Plan, ERI, OSRP and other very detailed references about the township.

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January 19, 2025, 11:20 am
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