Letters To The Editor

Letter to the EditorThank you

Dear Editor of the New Town Press,
Thank you for publishing this newspaper on behalf of our local towns.  You publish stories and localized news that is especially meaningful to our families because issues that affect us wouldn’t make the nightly news or newspapers that support the entire county.  It’s important for us to know things like keeping our eyes out for the Botto’s sign, or that a dangerous criminal was just in LoganTownship where we go to buy gas and snacks.  It’s also important and makes us feel more unified when we can read about what’s going on at township meetings, school meetings and with our local businesses.  We want to know what is happening with our citizens, so we can celebrate their success and good ideas, and we can also mourn the loss of friends, while knowing we have to celebrate lives that were well-lived.  I think our lives are well-lived because we live here, and because we have the New Town Press helping to keep us together. Thank you again.
Nicholas Dale
Woolwich Twp.
Age 12 Troop 13


Texting and Driving

To The Editor,
If you stood in the center of an intersection and you counted how many people were on their phone, you probably don’t want to know the number. It’s so big. You may have a friend or family member who died from texting and driving. Well the number of people texting and driving is going up. We need to encourage people to stop texting and driving. One hazard is teens getting into crashes. You can stop that by turning your phones off so you will not hear it ring and you won’t be tempted to answer it. Right now the penalties are way too low. For example in California Kaitlin Dunaway killed a two year old that was crossing the street with her mother. She went to jail for 5 days and 115 days in home confinement. In Missouri 16 year old Rachael Ganin killed a 72 year old and went to jail for 2 days. Texting and driving is illegal in so many states, but so many people get away with it. Experts say 1 in 4 car accidents had to do with a cell phone in 2011. Most drivers think they can handle doing two things at once but then they realize they can’t. You can severely injure yourself or somebody you hit. People send tiny meaningless texts like LOL, Yeah, I’ll be there. Guess what some people don’t get there, they’ll be dead or severely injured. People back in the 80’s would look out for drunk drivers on the weekends, late at night, or on holidays. Now you have to be on the lookout every minute because of texters. Please stop texting and driving. It’s not safe for you and other people.
Autumn Britton
Logan Township

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October 28, 2024, 12:14 am
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