VFW Asking For Your Help

vfw webWOOLWICH TWP. — The new Woolwich Township VFW is in need of your help.

The group is holding our first fundraiser, and would like to ask for your support and purchase from their online fundraiser. In addition, you can get a cool shirt for you and your whole family.

Please go to the “Woolwich Twp VFW” Facebook page to find this link, http://www.logowareonline.com/apparel/VFWPost10886, for an online webstore campaign only open until Sep. 8.

The Woolwich VFW Post has plans to develop a monthly Bingo Night in the coming months, and the first annual Casino Night is on its way. The VFW plans on becoming involved with the local Boy Scouts and also provide some additional resources to local classroom teachers, while also providing more scholarship opportunities for the surrounding high school students.

The VFW is in need of new members and supporters. If you are a Veteran and interested in becoming a member, or would like to find out how you can support your local Military Veterans please email the Post at vfwpost10886@gmail.com or find and like them on Facebook, “Woolwich Twp VFW”.

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January 19, 2025, 12:11 pm
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