Free Diabetes Self-Management Workshops Offered

friends events.inddWOODSTOWN — Quality Insights Quality Innovation Network in partnership with Friends Village at Woodstown will offer free diabetes workshops as part of the Everyone with Diabetes Counts (EDC) program in March.

This free six-week workshop will be offered in the John Fenwick Commons Building at Friends Village at Woodstown on 1 Friends Drive in Woodstown. Workshops are on Wednesdays from March 15 to April 19 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

All attendees must register by the second workshop session. Each participant (one per household) will receive a complimentary textbook, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, 4th edition ($20 value).

For more information or to register for these free workshops, call Jarmaine Williams at (732) 955-8168.

Transportation may be available through the Salem County Office on Aging & Disability Services. Please call (856) 339-8622 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. for more information.

The EDC program is a national initiative of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The program offers free self-management workshops that are open to people with Medicare who have diabetes, their family members and caregivers.

The free workshops follow the Diabetes Self-Management Program developed at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Workshops are designed to help individuals learn how to manage their diabetes and take control of their health through behavior modification and coping techniques.

Participants will learn about diabetes and its risks, preventing complications, the importance of healthy eating, the role of exercise, how to deal with stress and difficult emotions, managing medications, effective communication with healthcare providers, and much more.

Visit to learn more about Quality Insights Quality Innovation Network, or to read real success stories about people with diabetes in New Jersey who have completed this program and made motivational improvements to their health and lives.

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