Kiddie Garden Graduation

Kiddie Garden Preschool class of 2020 had a drive-up graduation ceremony on June 12 while maintaining social distancing. Families decorated parking spots with sidewalk chalk and paint, balloons, flowers and signs. Kiddie Garden alum, singer, Mikayla Gilham entertained us with some musical favorites while some Kingsway cheerleaders (also some alumnae) hooted and hollered celebratory cheers of congratulations. We were thankful for the Logan Township Police Department for their presence, horns and sirens. An excellent time was had by all. Kiddie Garden faculty said it was very nice to be able to do something great for the kids. “We are very proud of our preK classes and look forward to watching them shine in kindergarten.” They would like to thank everyone who helped make this possible.

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July 27, 2024, 12:05 am
Apparent: 78°F