Murphy reduces indoor capacity & will now require face masks worn in school at all times

Gov. Murphy Press Conference, Aug. 3

  • Murphy has decreased the indoor capacity to a maximum of 25 people or 25 percent capacity. This does not include weddings, funerals, and religious events. He felt this roll back in capacity from 100 was needed to decrease the increase in the Rt which is now 1.48, the highest it’s been since early April, according to Murphy. A month ago, the Rt was 0.87, under the goal of 1.0.
  • Murphy said that there have been 3 factors hindering the lowering of the rate of infection here, “but they aren’t insurmountable.” 1. Flair ups in the rest of the country; 2. The strain on the testing supplies which has delayed test results which has delayed contact tracing; and 3. The “mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more people” and their non-compliant behavior.
  • Murphy said there have been restaurants serving patrons indoors by just opening their front windows in violation of his order which states that at least 2 walls must be open. Later in the press conference it was mentioned that 2 restaurants were cited and closed for serving patrons indoors because of this.
  • Murphy said that if the Rt stays in this neighborhood, it will lead to taking more action – more enforcement than policy, though. “It’s gone up a little more uncomfortably than we had hoped,” he said. He blamed this on the parties and the hot spot states and the exposure we have to them.
  • Problems with taking temperatures for screenings were mentioned. It was stated that elderly people often can’t mount a temperature and children run higher normal temperatures. Inaccuracy is also caused with improperly taking the temperatures. Add to that the asymptomatic individuals who pass through screening processes.
  • Murphy signed an executive waiving the 60 day waiting period for health insurance for all public employees, whether newly hired or returning to a job.
  • Murphy also changed school requirement so that all students must wear face masks at all times while inside. Prior to this it was strongly suggested but mandated only where social distancing couldn’t be kept, such as hallways. “Schools are not immune to the community around it.”
  • The use of ventilators was at its lowest point, with 34 percent of the patients in intensive care needing them.
  • The statewide spot positivity for tests drawn on July 30 was 1.88%. In North Jersey 1.38%, Central Jersey 1.43%, South Jersey 3.46%.
  • Murphy said that during the upcoming storm, if your power goes out, to call your electric company. Don’t assume your neighbor did. The more calls the electric company gets, the easier it is to trace the problem.
  • LOCAL LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES WITH CHANGES: ManorCare Washington Twp.: -2 staff cases (8); Atrium: +2 resident cases (184), +1 staff case (23),  +1 resident death (18); Deptford Center of Rehan: +6 suspect COVID resident deaths (6).

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July 27, 2024, 12:06 am
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