Swedesboro Day Cancellation

To the Editor:

I’m sorry report that the latest victim of the COVID 19 pandemic is our annual Swedesboro Day Celebration and Car Show. 

Our team came up with several contingency plans that we originally felt would allow us to pull off a drastically downsized version for the day.  However, after much discussion we came to the conclusion that we could not safely hold an event that would have 4000-5000 people congregated in our downtown.  We also consulted with the Gloucester County Health Department and they did not approve of having an event where we could not control the number of people coming in to town.

Swedesboro Day is our biggest and best attended event in town each year, so the decision to cancel it was really hard, but I believe in the interest of public safety it was our only option as we deal with this deadly pandemic.

As I understand it, the 14th Annual Dragon Run will be run as a “virtual race” this year.  Please go to this website for the details – https://naterocksheaven.org/DragonRun/.

We promise that we will come back stronger than ever for next year’s event.  Please stay safe and look out for your neighbor’s safety too – wear a mask!

Thank you,

Tom Fromm, Mayor

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March 18, 2025, 12:32 pm
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