Julia Nocentino, daughter of Bob and Carrie Nocentino of West Deptford.

School Activities: Student Council, SURE Club, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Renaissance, Student Ambassador, Foreign Language Club, SADD Club, Young Authors Club, and Anti Bullying Club.
Out of School Activities: Community service/volunteering, life guarding, swimming, and tennis.
Honors/Awards: Vice President of Student Council, Captain of the Tennis Team, National Honor Society, World Language National Honor Society, and Executive Board for SURE Club.
Future Plans: Julia plans on living a very happy life and being an occupational therapist.
Connor Ward, son of Mike and Jill Ward of Woolwich Township.

School Activities: Wrestling, Baseball, and Unified PE.
Out of School Activities: Blue Jays Travel Baseball. Connor also works at the South Jersey Sports Mill.
Honors/Awards: National Honor Society.
Future Plans: In the future, Connor plans to attend one of the military academies, or participate in ROTC and serve in the military. He also wishes to play baseball in college wherever he goes.