St. Peter’s Church Food Drive, Nov. 7

CLARKSBORO — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Clarksboro invites you to join them in supporting the Blessings Food Pantry at a Curbside Food Drive on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.

The Food Drive will take place at contactless drop off locations in the parking lot behind the church, just off of Kings Highway. We are accepting all varieties of non-perishable food items.

The COVID Pandemic has dramatically increased the number of families suffering from food insufficiency. This phenomenon is taking place at all socioeconomic levels in every community, including those that surround St. Peter’s. Each and every one of us could find ourselves faced with the loss of income and an inability to provide the things that are needed for our families.

St. Peter’s is committed to helping our friends and neighbors through these difficult times in whatever way we can. If you are in need of support, please reach out to us at 856-423-4226.

Members of the church look forward to seeing you on Nov. 7 and welcome your support in sharing this wonderful extension of friendship and concern for the members of our community.

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