October 2023 Names in the News

Senior Master Sergeant Richard Hanratty of South Harrison Twp. was recognized as the Hometown Hero at the Oct. 1 Philadelphia Eagles game versus Washington. Senior Master Sergeant Hanratty is the only member of the Armed Forces who has been recognized by the Philadelphia Eagles, the Philadelphia Phillies, as well as the Philadelphia 76ers for his military service. Senior Master Sergeant Richard Hanratty joined the Air Force in 2003. During his 20+ years of faithful service to his country, Sergeant Hanratty specialized in numerous career fields which took him to countless places around the globe. Sergeant Hanratty has been on five deployments to countries that include Afghanistan, Iraq, and United Arab Emirates. He just returned from his most recent deployment to Africa where he served as a First Sergeant of the 449th Air Expeditionary Group where he led eight squadron command elements, 2,000 warfighters and three combatant commands in support of Operation OCTAVE QUARTZ. Senior Master Sergeant Hanratty has been awards prestigious medals for achievement, commendations and meritorious service.

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