Madeline Hicks, daughter of Doug and Kelly Hicks of East Greenwich Township.
School Activities: 2024 Class President, Business Leadership Program, DECA and the Executive Board Vice President of Career Development of DECA, Class of 2024 Secretary for grades nine through eleven, a member of the Student Council Executive Board, a Student Ambassador, she will be attending a Leadership Training Conference this school year, Varsity Girls Soccer, Freshman Basketball, Freshman Softball, Varsity Track and Field, and the manager of the Varsity Baseball Team.
Out-of-School Activities: Plays club soccer for RUSA, volunteers at 2nd Chance Boutique organizing donated items and sorting clothes, working for Kingsway Summer Camp, and is now currently working as a referee for youth soccer.
Honors/Awards: National Honor Society, Superintendent’s List, Principal’s List, Girls’ Soccer Team Captain, and First Team All Conference for Girls Soccer.
Future Plans: Madeline plans to attend a big school down south. She is unsure of her major but plans on discovering that throughout her first year of college. Madeline is beyond excited to meet new people and see new things wherever her college journey takes her!

Sabrina Schonewise, daughter of Mark and Karen Schonewise of East Greenwich.
School Activities: President of the Nation Art Honor Society, President of the Art Club, Co-Founder and Secretary of the Physics Club, Executive Board Habitat for Humanity, Secretary of the Key Club, Editor of the Newspaper, STEM Academy, Varsity Swim for four years, Varsity Spring Track and Field for three years, a member of Student Council, World Wildlife Foundation, Bio-Olympiad, and Computer Science Club.
Out-of-School Activities: Year round club swimmer for GPAS and Greenfields, volunteers teaching children how to swim (200+ hours), helps teaches Sunday school to kindergartners, organizes the Christmas pageant, Stations of the Cross, and currently works as a part-time lifeguard.
Honors/Awards: National Merit Scholarship Program Commendation, AP Scholar with Distinction, Varity Swim Team Captain, National Honor Society, President of the National Art Honor Society, and National World Language Honor Society.
Future Plans: Sabrina wants to double major in civil engineering and architecture and then wants to get her masters and eventually begin her own firm. After traveling the world, she would like to settle down and teach as a professor.

Gabriella Gonzalez, daughter of Stephanie Hale of Clarksboro.
School Activities: Student Council, NJ Model Congress, Princeton Model Congress, Mock Trial, a member of National Honor Society, Model United Nations, and JROTC Academic Cadet Commander.
Out-of-School Activities: Mental Health Communications for “You Are Loved,” volunteering at an animal shelter named “For Kitties Sake,” National Society of High School Scholars and Ambassadors, and attended Georgetown University for High School Law Academy of 2022.
Honors/Awards: Best Delegate for two years in NJ Model Congress, Independent Party Whip in NJ Model Congress, Spotlight Student in eleventh grade, was elected Independent Party Leader in NJ Model Congress, and achieved the Passage of the Police Brutality Bill in the House of Representatives. She had an undefeated record as the lawyer for Mock Trial and was a Varsity Cheerleader for the past 3 years with the “Best Performance” award.
Future Plans: Gabriella plans to attend an out-of-state four-year university pursuing a degree in Political Science in hopes of a seat in the Senate or House of Representatives sometime in her career. Gabriella is planning to go in the Air Force National Guard in 2025 in a career of legal studies after she graduates high school. After undergraduate school, she will attend law school in hopes of becoming a JAG lawyer in the Air Force to pursue her dream while serving her country.

Alexander Sims, son of Jay and Melissa Sims of Mickleton.
School Activities: Track and Field, Cross Country, Computer Science Club, Math Club, Physics Club, World Wildlife Fund, School Newspaper, KDTV, Science Olympiad, and STEM Academy.
Out-of-School Activities: Volunteering at the Pennsylvania Hospital and working at Acme.
Honors/Awards: Captain of the Sprinters, a member of National Honor Society, and a medal winner from the Science Olympiad Regionals. He qualified for Nationals in Track and Field and was the winner of the STEM Academy Service Learning Project.
Future Plans: Alex plans to study Chemical Engineering.

Aryan Bhagat, son of Nitesh and Sunita Bhagat of Clarksboro.
School Activities: Captain of the Varsity Swim team, Vice President of Bio-Olympiad, President and Founder of the Physics Club, and President of Science Olympiad. He was also a part of the Varsity Soccer Team and Varsity Volleyball Team.
Out-of-School Activities: a Research Intern at Cooper University Hospital and Inspira Medical Center in the Orthopedics Department. He researched the efficacy of anti-tumor biomarkers tagging soft tissue sarcomas involving the vastus lateralis of the quadriceps muscle and explored cutting-edge minimally invasive techniques to laparoscopically repair Bony Bankart lesions in the glenoid after shoulder dislocations. Aryan was a Research Intern at Inspira Imaging Center where he compared the efficiency of blind steroid injection techniques with ultrasound guided techniques and wrote a research paper for publication. He taught disabled students how to play sports for enrichment and mentored others how to work with the disabled at TopSports. Aryan is a volunteer and head tutor at Kumon – teaching calculus to students aged 12-16 and mentoring several Kumon students. He became the first student in his center to finish the entire Kumon program.
Honors/Awards: Captain of the Swim Team, a member of National Honor Society, President of Science Olympiad, President of the Physics Club, Vice President of BioOlympiad, Treasurer of the World Wildlife Fund, and in swim, he was Second Team All-State for breaststroke.
Future Plans: Aryan plans to attend a university where he can pursue his dream of becoming a physician.

Kaitlyn Sabo, daughter of Tony and Colleen Sabo of Swedesboro.
School Activities: Marching Band, Indoor Percussion, USABO, Student Ambassador, and the STEM Academy. She also participates in Select Jazz, the Musical, Choir, Key Club, and Biology Club.
Out-of-School Activities: A member of NJMEA All-State Chorus, paid work, and Collingswood Sings Community Choir.
Honors/Awards: Drum Major, a member of National Honor Society, and President of Tri-M Music Honor Society.
Future Plans: Kaitlyn plans to attend college with a major in either Biology or Computer Engineering. She also hopes to continue to fuel her passion for music both in and out of college.