East Greenwich Senior Citizen Club Events

MICKLETON — If you are over 55 and live in East Greenwich Township, please join us for our monthly meetings. We meet the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. in the East Greenwich Municipal building on Democrat Road in Mickleton.

We welcome new members to help us rebuild our senior group into an active group with planned activities and outings. Please come to our meetings to help us promote more activities in our community. For additional info, email us at seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com

East Greenwich Seniors, we need to hear from you.

We have been given the opportunity to share a small bus with Gibbstown for use with our seniors. We need your input to help us decide how to use it: shopping trips, going to the mall, going to a movie, or getting to county events.

Please contact us either at our monthly meetings or email us at seniors@eastgreenwichnj.com with any ideas or suggestions.

East Greenwich Email blasts

Are you signed up to receive East Greenwich email notices? If not, follow these instructions to get signed up and be informed about events in the township. Go to eastgreenwichnj.com.

Scroll down to the bottom of the main page to the box: Get On Our Mailing List. Type in your name and email address to get notices from the township about: township meetings, notices regarding changes in trash schedule or other services and events, announcement of upcoming events in the township, Senior Game Day dates and other senior events put on during the year.

East Greenwich Senior Game Days

Our Senior Game Day continues. It will be held on April 11 and 25 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the courtroom at the municipal building. It will also be on May 9.

Bring a game to play with others or just come and join a group to learn a new game. We also have a piano teacher who wanted to know if anyone played the keyboard and was interested in a keyboard lesson during this time.

Contact us via our email address and let us know. We can set up a schedule.  

Tax Workshop

On April 10, we will have the New Jersey State Dept of Taxation come to talk about the ANCHOR Program and the Property Tax Reimbursement Program (Senior Freeze Program) from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. There have been changes in the eligibility for these programs, making it more accessible to many seniors.

We will be holding this at the East Greenwich municipal building on Democrat Road. Mark your calendar

Herb Garden Workshop

On April 16 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Gloucester County Certified Gardeners will be having an herb planting workshop for East Greenwich Seniors. It will be held at the Shady Lane Complex at 254 County House Road in Clarksboro (in the old nursing home building).

It is limited to 20 seniors. Registration forms are available at the township clerk’s office or on the EG email blast. All forms must be turned in by April 12 to the township clerk’s office.

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February 15, 2025, 5:22 am
Apparent: 22°F