Woolwich wants legal notices on their website

WOOLWICH TWP. – The Woolwich Township Committee approved a resolution urging state leaders to pass legislation to authorize municipalities, counties, school districts, and all local governments to publish legal notices on their own municipal website instead of newspapers. The resolution is set to be given to Governor Phil Murphy, Senate President Nicholas Scutari, Speaker of […]

It may have been too cold to golf outside, but inside it was just right

Swedesboro Woolwich Parks and Recreation hosted indoor miniature golf on Feb. 22 at the Woolwich Township Municipal Building. Those playing got a chance to show off their putting skills during a nine-hole game. (Photo 1) Chris, Erika, Matthew and Cara Yatsko and Maya Lazo enjoyed some mini golf time as did (Photo 2) Jared and […]

Upgrades to Margaret Dombrosky Swedesboro Public Library Under Consideration

SWEDESBORO — Improvements to the Margaret Dombrosky Swedesboro Public Library are under consideration, as the Swedesboro Borough Council discussed potential upgrades to the historic building during their Feb. 18 meeting. During the meeting, Mayor Tom Fromm introduced a possible addition to the borough’s 2025 budget, originally proposed as a Public Works budget item and designed […]

EG Approves Shared Court Services with Woolwich

MICKLETON — The East Greenwich Township Committee passed conditional approval of a resolution to institute a short-term shared services agreement with the Woolwich Joint Municipal Court during their Feb. 25 meeting.           The resolution, developed during an executive session closed to the public and passed unanimously, will lend administrative support to the joint court system serving […]


WOOLWICH TWP. — The Aged to Perfection senior group is announcing their Fall Craft Fair on Saturday, Oct. 18 at the Woolwich Township Municipal Building from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost for all vendors is $15 per table and $5 for each additional standing display. Please make checks payable to “Aged to Perfection”. […]

Let’s Recap Winter: Students & Staff

As the winter season nears its end, for the student athletes here at Kingsway it means their beloved sports, passionate journey, and beautiful memories nears its conclusion. The large athletic department here at Kingsway holds a variety of winter opportunities for its students, including bowling, swimming, basketball, wrestling, and more. Our school teams are extremely […]


MICKLETON — In order to prepare for Beginner/Kindergarten Registration for the 2025/26 school year, East Greenwich is looking for information about children that live in the district who will be five years old on or before October 1, 2025. Please visit the district website, www.eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us, to pre-register new Beginner students. The link for pre-registration can […]


AGED TO PERFECTION: If you are over 55 years of age and reside in Woolwich or Swedesboro, join our wait list to become a member. The group is capped at 100 members. We are an active senior group enjoying common interests, games and outings. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the […]