Small acts of kindness count during this tumultuous time

It’s hard to do a summary of events during this COVID-19 crisis. Things are changing each day. More positive cases are showing up in our immediate area. More things are cancelled. More things shut down. Businesses are hurting. But businesses are also rising up to the challenge and helping. Businesses such as Flowers by Dena […]
Woolwich Approves Adding Swedesboro to Sewer Agreement

WOOLWICH TWP. — At their meeting on March 16, the Woolwich Township Committee approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Woolwich Township, Swedesboro, the Gloucester County Utilities Authority, and the Gloucester County Improvement Authority in regard to sewer conveyance and construction and operation of a pump station and force main. The MOU for the pump station […]
Logan Endorses Township Improvements, Reconsiders Re-Bid Project

BRIDGEPORT — At their meeting on March 17, the Logan Township Council accepted two bids for their 2019 Curb Replacement Program Re-Bid Project from Lexa Concrete LLC and Think Pavers were the two bidders. Lexa’s first base bid was $309,132.00, while their second was $283,457.00. Think Pavers first base bid was $256,271.00, and their second […]
April Issue

MUHLBAIER — Rev. Howard E. Muhlbaier Cherry Hill, N.J. Rev. Howard Edward Muhlbaier, retired Catholic Priest of the Camden Diocese passed away on Feb. 22 at St. Mary’s Villa in Cherry Hill, with devoted friends and caregivers by his side, at age 81. Rev. Muhlbaier was born on June 16, 1938 to Sebastian Muhlbaier and […]

Marut K. Raval, a resident of Swedesboro, has recently been named to the Dean’s List at Boston University for the Fall semester. Nicole Barbara of Woolwich Township earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Arcadia University at a Commencement ceremony on Jan. 19, 2020.
Logan Twp. Police Crime Log

FEB. 3: Officers responded to International Parts and Service on High Hill Rd. for a Theft report. It was reported to Officers that over the weekend, someone removed 10 tires and rims from several trucks. Approximate value of the Theft is $7,000. The matter has been forwarded to the Detective Unit. FEB. 3: Officers responded […]
April issue Word Search

Swedesboro Shredding Event April 25

SWEDESBORO — On Saturday April 25 from 9 a.m. until noon, Swedesboro will be hosting the first of four shredding events between the towns of Swedesboro and Woolwich. The event will take place on the empty lot between Red Hen and Cheega’s Funeral Home. Protect yourself and your family from identity theft and financial fraud […]
Library Programs Have Moved Online

GCLS Online Storytime When Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10:30 am Description: Our librarians miss storytime as much as the kids do, so GCLS decided to move our storytimes online! Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to see your favorite librarian read, sing, and dance! What’s Cooking? with GCLibS – Homemade Pizza When […]
East Greenwich Rolls Out Fifth Straight Flat Budget

MICKLETON — The East Greenwich Township Committee introduced their 2020 Municipal budget at their meeting on March 24. In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and due to the impact of COVID-19, this particular meeting was being broadcast electronically on Facebook Live. The highlight of this year’s budget was the fifth consecutive year that […]